Continuous Deployment of a Static Website#

This guide shows you how to use Semaphore to set up continuous deployment for a static website.

Example project#

Semaphore provides an example open source project based on Gatsby.js, which you can use as an example for building a CI/CD pipeline for a static website:

The project includes a build pipeline and two deployment pipelines, for AWS S3 and Netlify:

static website ci/cd pipeline

Defining the build pipeline#

There are many static site generators, but the essential deployment steps are the same for all:

  1. Install the tools to generate the site and their dependencies
  2. Build the website from source files
  3. Upload the website files to cloud storage or host

We'll start by setting up a Semaphore pipeline that maps the first two steps to blocks. If all blocks run successfully on master branch, we'll automatically promote the code to the deployment pipeline.

This configuration also uses caching to store the project's dependencies and pass website files to the deployment pipeline.

The example is based on a static website built with a Node.js toolchain. You can change the dependency installation and site building steps to match your tools.

# .semaphore/semaphore.yml
version: v1.0
name: "Deploy website"
    type: e1-standard-2
    os_image: ubuntu2004

  - name: "Install dependencies"
      - name: npm install
          - checkout
          # Reuse dependencies from the cache and avoid installing them from scratch:
          - cache restore
          - npm install
          - cache store

  - name: "Build site"
      - name: Build
          - checkout
          - cache restore
          # Replace this with the command(s) that build your website:
          - npm run build:all
          # The script puts website files in directory `public`,
          # store it in the cache to propagate to deployment:
          - cache store website-build-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_SHA public

  - name: Production deploy
    pipeline_file: production-deploy.yml
      when: "result = 'passed' and branch = 'master'"

Deployment to AWS S3#

In this example, we'll deploy our static website to AWS S3.

Configuring deployment credentials#

To perform deployment in a CI/CD job, we need to use valid AWS credentials. A secure way to pass our credentials to Semaphore is by defining a secret.

Create a new secret based on local ~/.aws configuration files:

sem create secret aws-website \
  --file ~/.aws/config:/home/semaphore/.aws/config \
  --file ~/.aws/credentials:/home/semaphore/.aws/credentials

This ensures that the files sourced from our local machine will be placed in the home directory of the user executing our code on Semaphore.

Deploying the website by uploading files to S3#

Finally, create a file .semaphore/production-deploy.yml to execute deployment and import the secret for authentication:

# .semaphore/production-deploy.yml
version: v1.0
name: Deploy website
    type: e1-standard-2
    os_image: ubuntu2004
  - name: Deploy
        - name: aws-website
        - name: Copy to S3
            - checkout
            - cache restore website-build-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_SHA
            - aws s3 sync "public" "s3://bucket-name" --acl "public-read"

That’s it. Your website will now be continuously deployed every time there is a valid change on master branch. Deployment won't run for other branches and pull requests. However, Semaphore will report a build failure in the event that there's an error that prevents the website from being generated, so that you can fix it before merging to master.

Deploying to Netlify#

See the Netlify Continuous Deployment guide.

See also#