Installing a self-hosted agent#

The Semaphore agent is open source and can be found here. Before installing it on your machine, you need to make sure the following requirements are also available:

  • git
  • bash (Linux/MacOS) or PowerShell (Windows)
  • docker - manageable without sudo (Linux/MacOS)
  • docker-compose (Linux/MacOS)

Please, follow the installation instructions for your operating system of choice below.

Installing the agent on Ubuntu/Debian#

1. Prepare your machine:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/semaphore/agent
sudo chown $USER:$USER /opt/semaphore/agent/
cd /opt/semaphore/agent

2. Download the agent:

curl -L -o agent.tar.gz
tar -xf agent.tar.gz

3. Install the agent:

sudo ./

The script asks for your Semaphore organization name, the agent type registration token, the Linux user used to run the service, and does the following:

  • downloads and installs the Semaphore toolbox
  • creates a systemd service for the agent
  • creates an initial config.yaml file in the installation directory for you to manage agent configuration

Note that any changes in the agent configuration file require a restart of the systemd service.

4. Configure GitHub SSH keys:

In order to use the checkout command, GitHub's SSH keys must be added to SSH known hosts for the user running the agent. You can check how to do that on Linux here.

Installing the agent on generic Linux#

1. Prepare your machine:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/semaphore/agent
sudo chown $USER:$USER /opt/semaphore/agent/
cd /opt/semaphore/agent

2. Download the agent:

curl -L -o agent.tar.gz
tar -xf agent.tar.gz

3. Create the agent configuration file:

cat > config.yaml <<EOF
endpoint: "[your-organization-name]"
token: "[token]"

4. Download and install the toolbox:

curl -L "" -o toolbox.tar
tar -xf toolbox.tar
mv toolbox ~/.toolbox
bash ~/.toolbox/install-toolbox
source ~/.toolbox/toolbox
echo "source ~/.toolbox/toolbox" >> ~/.bash_profile

5. Configure GitHub SSH keys:

In order to use the checkout command, GitHub's SSH keys must be added to SSH known hosts for the user running the agent. You can check how to do that on Linux here.

6. Run the agent:

agent start --config-file config.yaml

Installing the agent on MacOS#

1. Prepare your machine:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/semaphore/agent
sudo chown $USER /opt/semaphore/agent/
cd /opt/semaphore/agent

2. Download the agent:

curl -L -o agent.tar.gz
tar -xf agent.tar.gz

3. Install the agent:

sudo ./

The script asks for your Semaphore organization name, the agent type registration token, the macOS user used to run the agent, and does the following:

  • downloads and installs the Semaphore toolbox
  • creates a launchd daemon for the agent
  • creates an initial config.yaml file in the installation directory for you to manage agent configuration

Note that any changes in the agent configuration file require a restart of the launchd daemon.

4. Configure GitHub SSH keys:

In order to use the checkout command, GitHub's SSH keys must be added to SSH known hosts for the user running the agent. You can check how to do that on MacOS here.

Installing the agent on MacOS using Homebrew#

1. Install the agent using Homebrew:

brew install semaphoreci/tap/agent

2. Download and install the toolbox:

When installing the agent using Homebrew, the toolbox isn't installed. You need to manually install it:

curl -L "" -o toolbox.tar
tar -xf toolbox.tar
mv toolbox ~/.toolbox
bash ~/.toolbox/install-toolbox
source ~/.toolbox/toolbox
echo "source ~/.toolbox/toolbox" >> ~/.bash_profile

3. Configure GitHub SSH keys:

In order to use the checkout command, GitHub's SSH keys must be added to SSH known hosts for the user running the agent. You can check how to do that on MacOS here.

4. Start the agent:

agent start --endpoint --token [token]

Installing the agent on Windows#

1. Prepare your machine:

New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path C:\semaphore-agent
Set-Location C:\semaphore-agent

2. Download the agent:

Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile agent.tar.gz
tar.exe xvf agent.tar.gz

3. Install the agent:

$env:SemaphoreEndpoint = "<your-organization>"
$env:SemaphoreRegistrationToken = "<your-agent-type-registration-token>"

Installing the agent on FIPS enabled RHEL#

The Semaphore agent is written in Go, which does not provide FIPS friendly cryptography libraries. Due to that, the agent must be compiled from source using the go-toolset to be run on a FIPS enabled RHEL host.

1. Verify the host has FIPS mode enabled:

sudo fips-mode-setup --check

2. Install the go-toolset:

sudo yum install go-toolset

3. Download agent source and compile it from source:

curl -L -o agent.tar.gz
tar -xf agent.tar.gz
cd agent
go build -ldflags='-s -w -X "main.VERSION=v2.2.21"' -o build/agent main.go

4. Verify binary is FIPS compatible:

go tool nm ./build/agent | grep FIPS

Configure GitHub SSH keys#

The GitHub SSH keys can be fetched from GitHub's meta API.

Configure GitHub SSH keys on Linux#

# Create the ~/.ssh folder for the user
# running the agent, if it doesn't exist yet.
mkdir -p /home/$USER/.ssh

# Fetch GitHub SSH keys from
# and put them into ~/.ssh/known_hosts
curl -sL | jq -r ".ssh_keys[]" | sed 's/^/ /' | sudo tee -a /home/$USER/.ssh/known_hosts
sudo chown $USER:$USER /home/$USER/.ssh

Configure GitHub SSH keys on MacOS#

# Create the ~/.ssh folder for the user
# running the agent, if it doesn't exist yet.
mkdir -p /home/$USER/.ssh

# Fetch GitHub SSH keys from
# and put them into ~/.ssh/known_hosts
curl -sL | jq -r ".ssh_keys[]" | sed 's/^/ /' | sudo tee -a /home/$USER/.ssh/known_hosts
sudo chown $USER: /home/$USER/.ssh