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Semaphore Command Line

Video Tutorial: Overview of Semaphore CLI

You can interact with most aspects of your jobs, pipelines, projects, and organizations using only the command line. This page explains how to use the Semaphore CLI tool.


The Semaphore CLI tool lets you create projects, debug jobs, define dashboards, set up notifications, and manage your Semaphore resources.

Installation and set up

You can install the Semaphore CLI with:

curl | bash

macOS users with Homebrew can also use:

brew install semaphoreci/tap/sem

Once installed, you need to authorize access to your Semaphore organization. You can do this with:

sem connect <organization-name> <API_TOKEN>

You can get an API token on your account page.

General syntax

The general syntax of the sem utility is:

sem <command> <resource-type> <resource-name> [flags]

The supported commands are:

  • apply: update projects, secrets, dashboards, notifications, and deployment targets
  • attach: attach to a running job
  • config: get and set configuration options
  • connect: connect to an organization
  • context: switch to another organization
  • create: create a new resource
  • debug: debug a job or a project
  • delete: delete a resource
  • edit: edit a resource
  • get: list and get details on resources
  • init: create a new project from a repository
  • logs: display a job's log
  • port-forward: redirect traffic from an agent to the local machine
  • rebuild: rebuild workflow or pipeline
  • stop: stop pipelines, workflows, and jobs
  • troubleshoot: view debugging information for workflows, pipelines, and jobs

The supported resource types are:

  • dashboard
  • job
  • notification
  • project
  • pipeline
  • workflow
  • secret
  • deployment-target

Working with organizations

This section explains how to connect and switch organizations.

sem connect

Before using any other commands, you need to conenct to your Semaphore organization.

The syntax to connect is:

Connecting to your organization
sem connect <organization-name> <API_TOKEN>

For example

sem connect NeUFkim46BCdpqCAyWXN

You can get an API token on your account page.

If you have multiple organizations, you can repeat the command to connect to all of them. The authentication token is stored on your local machine.

sem context

To view all connected organizations use:

View connected organizations
$ sem context
* semaphore-demos_semaphoreci_com

The active organization is marked with an asterisk (*). Commands are always executed in the active organization.

To switch the active organization:

Changing the active organization
sem context <organization>

Note that you must supply the organization name as shown in sem context. For example:

sem context tomfern_semaphoreci_com

Working with resources

You can create, edit, and delete resources using the commands described in this section.

sem create

The sem create action creates new resources.

For the following resource types you need to supply the -f <resource.yaml> or --file <resource.yaml> argument with a YAML file. The file spec is described in a dedicated reference page:

For example:

# create a resource
sem create -f resource.yaml

# create a project secret
sem create -p <project-name> -f secret.yaml

The following types resource types can be created without supplying a YAML spec file:

  • Secrets
  • Dashboards

For example, to create an empty secret or dashboard:

sem create secret <secret-name>
# or
sem create dashboard <dashboard-name>

You may also create a secret and initialize it with values or files with:

sem create secret <secret-name> \
-f <local_path_file1>:<agent_path_file1> \
-f <local_path_file2>:<agent_path_file2>

For example:

sem create secret example-secret \
-e FOO=BAR \
-e "MESSAGE=Hello World" \
-f /Users/John/hello.txt:/home/semaphore/hello.txt

You can supply the -p <project-name> to create the secret as project level secret.


Absolute paths for <agent_path_file> are mounted relative to the root on the agent's disk. So /etc/hosts is actually mounted at /etc/hosts in the agent's machine or container.

Relative paths are mounted relative to the agent's service account home directory. So .ssh/id_rsa is mounted as /home/semaphore/.ssh/id_rsa.

sem edit

The sem edit command works with the same resources as sem create, except jobs. In other words, sem edit does not support editing jobs.

The syntax is:

sem edit <resource-type> <resource-name>

The tool retrieves the resource YAML definition and opens it on an editor. Once you exit the editor, the updated configuration is applied to the resource.

For example:

sem edit secret mysecret

To edit a project secret, add -p <project-name>:

sem get secret -p myproject mysecret

For security reasons, sem edit secret does not provide the contents of the secret. Partial edits are not allowed, so the above commands will overwrite the contents of the secret.

You can add the -p <project-name> argument to edit project-level secrets.

The following examples show how to edit other types of resources

# edit a dashboard
sem edit dashboard my-activity

# edit a project
sem edit project my-project

# edit a deployment target
sem edit deployment-target my-target -p my-project

sem get

The sem get command can retrieve all resources of a given type.

The syntax is:

sem get <resource-type>

For example, this retrieves a list of all secrets in the organization:

$ sem get secret
dockerhub 2d
sshkeys 10d
my-secret 100d

You can view project-level secrets with:

sem get secret -p <project-name>

To see all projects in the organization:

$ sem get project

sem get resource

You can use the sem get command to get properties about a particular resource. The syntax is:

sem get <resource-type> <resource-name>

For example, this retrieves the project properties for the project hello-semaphore:

$ sem get project hello-semaphore
apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: Project
name: hello-semaphore
id: a2ba1008-afc9-4326-b994-58fb816fc4d5
description: ""
visibility: public
- tags
- branches
pipeline_file: .semaphore/semaphore.yml
- path: .semaphore/semaphore.yml
level: pipeline
branches: []
tags: []
integration_type: github_app
- name: Audit task
description: ""
scheduled: true
id: ef84157f-0e23-42dc-aaf0-df6875919e78
branch: setup-semaphore
at: 0 0 * * *
pipeline_file: .semaphore/semaphore.yml
status: ACTIVE

You can, for instance, change the pipeline_file value to use a different default path for the initial pipeline.

sem apply

The sem apply command works exactly like sem create, except it allows you to update an existing resource.

The syntax is:

sem apply -f <resource-file>

You must provide the path to the updated YAML resource file using -f <resource.yaml> or --file <resource.yaml>.

sem delete

The sem delete command deletes resources. It can work on all the same resource types as sem create, with the exception of jobs. In other words, sem delete cannot delete jobs.

The syntax is:

sem delete <resource-type> <resource-name>

For example, this deletes the secret my-secret:

sem delete secret my-secret

Working with jobs

This section describes in properties how to create, edit, and debug jobs using the Semaphore CLI.

Create one-off jobs

To create a one-off job, use sem create and supply the job spec using the Job YAML reference.

The syntax is:

sem create -f <job-specification.yaml>

One-off jobs are not shown in the Semaphore UI. They can only be viewed and managed using the Semaphore CLI.

For example, to create a job that outputs the Go version in the agent, we can use this job definition:

apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: Job
name: A new job
files: []
envvars: []
secrets: []
- go version
project_id: 7384612f-e22f-4710-9f0f-5dcce85ba44b

To run it, we execute:

sem create -f my-job.yaml

The value of project_id must be valid or the command will fail.

sem get job

You can use the sem get command to view running jobs.

The syntax is:

$ sem get jobs
7f3b9a52-8ad6-4adc-9d0a-7ed91d31df86 Compilation 9s RUNNING NONE

To view the most recent jobs, even if they are no longer running:

$ sem get jobs --all
sem get jobs --all
8c7800ed-8f97-4124-8a95-08669af9b0c8 Job #1 30s FINISHED PASSED
767b0e41-a56a-4553-afd3-c2f102438f52 Job #1 35s FINISHED PASSED
7f3b9a52-8ad6-4adc-9d0a-7ed91d31df86 Compilation 45s FINISHED PASSED
5dc508b9-9f93-4769-9fdf-80e81e1c5e42 Debug Session for Job 17c008c8-68d7-48aa-95d6-456d1b013ebd 2h FINISHED STOPPED
d593f1e2-c68f-48a4-b3c8-3310fe9c0e93 Job #1 2h FINISHED PASSED

In order to view properties about a specific job, provide the job ID as shown in sem get job. For example:

$ sem get job 5c011197-2bd2-4c82-bf4d-f0edd9e69f40
apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: Job
name: 'Job #1'
id: 8c7800ed-8f97-4124-8a95-08669af9b0c8
create_time: 1722352753
update_time: 1722352757
start_time: 1722352755
finish_time: 1722352757
type: e1-standard-2
os_image: ubuntu2004
project_id: a2ba1008-afc9-4326-b994-58fb816fc4d5
result: PASSED
name: ""
- name: ssh
number: 40004

sem stop job

You can stop running jobs with sem stop job. You need to supply the job ID as explained in sem get job.

The syntax is:

sem stop job <job-id>

For example:

sem stop job 5c011197-2bd2-4c82-bf4d-f0edd9e69f40

sem stop pipeline

You can stop running jobs with sem stop pipeline. You need to supply the pipeline ID. This stops all running jobs in the pipeline.

The syntax is:

sem stop pipeline <pipeline-id>

For example:

sem stop pipeline ea3e6bba-d19a-45d7-86a0-e78a2301b616

sem attach

The sem attach command allows you to connect a terminal to a running job using SSH. You can explore the state of the job and the agent while the job is running.

The syntax is:

sem attach <job-id>

Where the job id is the one shown with sem get job.


sem attach has a different behavior in self-hosted agents

sem debug

The sem debug command allows you to connect a terminal to a finished job. You can re-run the job interactively using an SSH session to debug a problem.

The syntax is:

sem debug <job-id>

Where the job id is the one shown with sem get job.

Once you are logged in, you can start the job commands interactively with:

source ~/

The duration of the SSH session is limited to one hour. You can supply the --duration argument to change the limit. For example:

sem debug job 5c011197-2bd2-4c82-bf4d-f0edd9e69f40 --duration 3h

You can define the duration using numeric values in the XXhYYmZZs format. For instance, 1 hour can be defined as 1h0m0s, 1h, or 60m.


sem debug has a different behavior in self-hosted agents

sem logs

The sem logs command allows you to see the output of a finished jog.

The syntax is:

sem logs <job-id>

Where the job id is the one shown with sem get job.

sem port-forward

The sem port-forward command lets you forward a port in the agent to your local machine. This allows you to connect to services running on the machine for debugging.

The syntax is:

sem port-forward <job-id> <local-port> <remote-port>

Where the job id is the one shown with sem get job.

For example, if we have a MySQL database running on the default port in the agent, we can forward it to our local machine on port 8000 with:

sem port-forward 5c011197-2bd2-4c82-bf4d-f0edd9e69f40 8000 3306

sem port-forward command works with running jobs only.

Working with projects

You can create, edit, debug, and delete projects using the commands described in this section.

sem init

The sem init command creates a Semaphore project from a repository. The command must be run at the root of a repository that has been cloned or pushed to GitHub or BitBucket.

The syntax is:

sem init [flags]

You can provide the following options with sem init:

  • --project-name: override the project name on Semaphore
  • --repo-url: manually specify the URL of the repository in GitHub or BitBucket
  • --github-integration: accepts one of two arguments

On project creation, if a .semaphore/semaphore.yml file already exists in the root directory of a repository, sem init will keep that file and continue with its operation. If there is no .semaphore/semaphore.yml file, sem init will create one for you.


Using the wrong --repo-url can cause problems in connecting to the repository.

sem debug project

You can debug problems with your project using sem debug project. This can be particularly helpful when you do not know whether the Virtual Machine you are using has the latest version of a programming language or a package, and when you want to know what you need to download in order to perform the task you want.

The syntax is:

sem debug project <project-name>

This command opens an SSH session on the "master" branch and the HEAD revision of the repository.

For example:

sem debug project my-project

The agent will remain operational for the duration of the session (by default 1 hour). You can terminate the agent early by running sudo poweroff or sudo shutdown -r now.

Sessions that are created using the sem debug project command support the --duration parameter.

Working with notifications

You can define complex notifications using YAML resources.

sem create notification

Use sem create to create Slack and other webhook-based notifications.

The syntax is:

sem create -f <notification-spec>

For example:

sem create -f notify.yml

You must provide a valid notification YAML spec:

# Slack notification for failures
apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: Notification
name: notify-on-fail
- name: "Example"
- example-project
- failed
- stopped
- canceled

The available values for filter.results are:

  • passed
  • failed
  • stopped
  • canceled

Here is a more comprehensive example sending notifications to two teams:

# release-cycle-notifications.yml

apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: Notification
name: release-cycle-notifications
- name: "On staging branches"
- /.*/
- staging
- passed
- "#qa-team"

- name: "On master branches"
- /.*/
- master
- "#devops-team"
- "#secops-team"

See Notifications YAML reference for more details.

Working with pipelines

This section describes in detail how to create, edit, and rebuild pipelines using the Semaphore CLI.

sem get pipeline

The sem get pipelines command returns the pipelines for all your projects in your organization.

The syntax is:

sem get pipelines

If you want to see only the pipelines for a project use:

sem get pipelines -p <project-name>

sem get pipeline properties

You can see the pipeline properties using:

sem get pipeline <pipeline-id>

The pipeline id is the value shown with sem get pipeline.

The sem get pipeline command followed by a valid Pipeline ID will return a description of the specified pipeline.

For example:

sem get pipeline c2016294-d5ac-4af3-9a3d-1212e6652cd8

sem rebuild pipeline

Rebuilding a pipeline re-runs only the failed jobs.

The syntax is:

sem rebuild pipeline <pipeline-id>

The pipeline id is the value shown with sem get pipeline.

For example:

$ sem rebuild pipeline b83bce61-fdb8-4ace-b8bc-18be471aa96e

The sem rebuild command accepts the --follow flag. The command will block until the pipeline ends running. This only works with an already running pipeline.

For example

sem get pipeline <pipeline-id> --follow

The --follow flag is particularly useful in the following two cases:

  • If you want to look at how a build is advancing without using the Semaphore UI
  • If you want to be notified when the pipeline is done (e.g. in shell scripts).

Working with workflows

This section describes in detail how to create, edit, and rebuild workflows using the Semaphore CLI.

sem get workflows

The sem get workflows command returns the workflows for all your projects in your organization.

The syntax is:

sem get workflows

If you want to see only the workflows for a project use:

sem get workflows -p <project-name>

sem get workflow properties

You can see the workflow properties using:

sem get workflow <workflow-id>

The workflows id is the value shown with sem get workflows.

For example:

$ sem get workflow 5bca6294-29d5-4fd3-891b-8ac3179ba196
Label: master

9d5f9986-2694-43b9-bc85-6fee47440ba7 Pipeline 1 - p1.yml 2018-10-03 09:37:59 DONE
55e94adb-7aa8-4b1e-b60d-d9a1cb0a443a Testing Auto Promoting 2018-10-03 09:31:35 DONE

sem rebuild workflow

Rebuilding a workflow re-runs all the jobs in the pipeline, even those that previously ended successfully.

The syntax is:

sem rebuild workflow <workflow-id>

The workflow id is the value shown with sem get workflows.

For example:

$ sem rebuild wf 99737bcd-a295-4278-8804-fff651fb6a8c

The output of sem rebuild workflow command is a new workflow id and a new pipeline id.

Working with self-hosted agents

This section describes in detail how to create, edit, and view self-hosted agents using the Semaphore CLI

sem create agent_type

The sem create agent_type command can be used to create a self-hosted agent type using the Semaphore CLI.

There are two ways of creating a new agent type:

To create an agent using command line arguments:

sem create agent_type s1-my-type

You can provide options to customize the agent:

sem create agent_type s1-my-agent-type \
--name-assignment-origin assignment_origin_aws_sts \
--aws-account-id 1234567890 \
--aws-roles role1,role2

To create an agent using an Agent YAML resource, start with an spec:

apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: SelfHostedAgentType
name: s1-example
assignment_origin: assignment_origin_aws_sts
release_after: 300
account_id: 1234567890
role_name_patterns: "role1,role2"

Then use sem create -f to create the agent type. For example:

sem create -f agent_type.yml

See Agent Type YAML spec file for more details.

sem get agent_types

The sem get agent_types command returns the list of self-hosted agent types for a Semaphore organization.

The syntax is:

sem get agent_types

sem get agent_type properties

The sem get agent_type command can be used to view properties on a specific self-hosted agent.

The syntax is:

sem get agent_type <agent-type-name>

sem get agents

The sem get agents command returns the list of self-hosted agents Semaphore organization.

The syntax is:

sem get agents

This returns all agents for all agent types, but you can use the --agent-type flag to filter for agents for a specific agent type.

For example:

sem get agents s1-my-type

sem get agent properties

The sem get agent command can be used to view properties on specific self-hosted agents. You need to provide the unique agent name.

The syntax is:

sem get agent_type <agent-name>

Working with deployment targets

This section describes in properties how to create, edit, and view deployment targets using the Semaphore CLI.

sem create dt

The sem create dt command can be used to create a deployment target.

The syntax is:

sem create dt <target-name> --project-name <project-name> [flags]
# or
sem create dt <target-name> --project-id <project-id> [flags]

Optional flags are:

  • --desc <description> (-d): a description for the target
  • --url <URL> (-u): the URL of the deployed application
  • --bookmark <bookmark> (-b): up to 3 bookmarks for the target
  • --file <local-path>:<mount-path> (-f): files to be imported as secrets in the deployment target pipeline
  • --env <VAR=VALUE>(-e): environment variables imported as secrets in the deployment target pipeline
  • --subject-rule <TYPE>,<SUBJECT-ID> (-s): subject rules assignment
  • --object-rule <TYPE>,<MODE>,<PATTERN> (-o): object rules assignment

For subject rule assignment, the <TYPE> can be one of the following:

  • ANY
  • ROLE
  • USER

The <SUBJECT-ID> is either the name of the role or the UUID of the user.

For object rule assignment, the <TYPE> can be one of the following:

  • PR
  • TAG

Mode can be one of the following:

  • ALL

And the <PATTERN> represents the string to be used for name matching.

For example with all the options:

sem create dt <target-name> \
-p <project-name> \
-d "A description for the target" \
-u "myurl321.zyx" \
-b "bookmark 1" \
-b "bookmark 2" \
-f /home/dev/app/server.conf:/etc/my.conf \
-e X=123 \
-s ROLE,admin \
-o branch,exact,main

See environments (deployment targets) for more information.

sem get dt

You can list all the deployment targets for a project with:

sem get dt --project-name <project-name>
# or
sem get dt --project-id <project-id>

To view the properties of a given deployment target:

sem get dt <deployment-target-id>

The output is a YAML file that describes the deployment target. See Deployment Targets YAML reference.

sem get dt history

You can retrieve the deployment history for a specific deployment target with the --history or -s parameter.

The syntax is:

sem get dt <deployment-target-id> --history
sem get dt <target-id> --project-name <project-name> --history
sem get dt <target-id> --project-id <project-id> --history

The output is a list of deployments with their IDs for the provided deployment targets.

sem edit dt

The sem edit dt command is used to edit an existing deployment target.

The syntax is:

sem edit dt <target-name> --project-name <project-name>
# or
sem edit dt <target-name> --project-id <project-id>

This opens a text editor with the YAML spec. After closing the file, the new changes are updated.

You can also edit the deployment target using its id with:

sem edit dt <target-id>

The <target-id> is obtained with sem get dt.

In addition, you can supply the --activate (-a) or --deactivate (-d) option to activate or deactivate the deployment target.

For example:

sem edit dt my-deployment-target --project-name my-project --deactivate

sem delete dt

The sem delete dt to delete a deployment target.

The syntax is:

sem delete dt <target-id>

The <target-id> is obtained with sem get dt.

Troubleshooting resources

The sem troubleshoot command can help you troubleshoot problems with any of the supported resources.

The syntax is:

sem troubleshoot <RESOURCE_TYPE> <RESOURCE_ID>

The command returns vital information about the resource in YAML format containing IDs, timestamps, and debugging information that the support staff might need to help you resolve your issues.

For example:

# This returns information about a workflow
sem troubleshoot workflow 4a7b869d-9cb3-4818-944a-e67c9009a188

# This returns information about a pipeline
sem troubleshoot pipeline ece6ee2a-f2a0-488c-a1c0-7d26bfdd254a

# This returns information about a job
sem troubleshoot job 3c70699a-b2bb-411b-a9ae-24b049d19308

Changing the text editor

The sem edit command opens a text editor so you can modify resources. The editor program can be customized in the following ways:

  • sem config: for example by running sem config set editor nano
  • Environment variables: with $EDITOR variable in your shell session, e.g. export EDITOR=nano
  • Default editor: the default editor is vim

Command aliases

The Semaphore CLI supports the following aliases for these resources:

projectprojects, prj
dashboarddashboards, dash
notificationnotifications, notifs, notif
pipelinepipelines, ppl
workflowworkflows, wf
deployment-targetdeployment-targets, dt, dts, deployments, deployment

As an example, the following three commands are equivalent:

sem get project
sem get prj
sem get projects

See also