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Semaphore Toolbox

The toolbox is an open source package of command line tools available in every Semaphore job. It provides utility functions to clone, cache data, run test services, or change language versions. This page explains all the available tools.


The Semaphore toolbox is preinstalled in all Semaphore jobs. It is also installed in self-hosted agents, so you can assume that all the tools described on this page are available for use.


This is the command line tool to access the Semaphore artifacts.

The usage is:

artifact <command> <namespace> <file_or_directory> [flags]

The available commands are:

  • help: print help on the terminal
  • pull: pull a file or directory from the artifact store
  • yank: pull and delete a file or directory from the artifact store

The available namespaces are:

  • job: storage available only to current job
  • workflow: storage available to jobs in all pipelines in the workflow
  • project: global storage for the project

See artifact namespaces for more details.

The optional flags are:

  • --force or -f: overwrite file or directory if already exists
  • --destination of -d: pull or yank the file into a different path
  • --verbose or -v: verbose logging

Supported filenames

The uploaded files must meet the following requirements:

  • Unicode characters are supported
  • File name lengths must be between 1-1024 bytes when UTF-8 encoded
  • File names cannot contain end-of-line characters (carriage return or line feed)
  • File names cannot start with .well-known/acme-challenge/
  • File names cannot contain non-URI-encodable characters like {, }, |, \, ^, ~, [, ]
  • Files cannot be named . or ...

You can workaround these limitations by compressing the file with tar before pushing it to the artifact store. For example:

Creating a tarball before storing the artifact
tar -czvf example.tar.gz ~/example
artifact push workflow example.tar.gz

To retrieve the files, use:

Retrieving the tarball
artifact pull workflow example.tar.gz
tar -xzf example.tar.gz


Artifact usage examples
# force push a final deliverable to the project level
artifact push project app-v1.tar.gz --force

# push a screenshot to the job level
artifact push job screenshots/app.png

# push a binary to the workflow level
artifact push workflow build/app

# pull a binary from the workflow level
artifact pull workflow build/app

# delete a binary from the workflow level
artifact yank workflow build/app


The cache tool lets you interact with your project's Semaphore cache.

The syntax is:

cache <command> <keys> [path] [flags]

The available commands are:

  • clear: remove all keys in the cache.
  • delete: delete a key from the cache.
  • has_key: check if a key is present in the cache. Exits with non-zero status if the key is not found.
  • is_not_empty: check if the cache is not empty.
  • list: list all keys in the cache.
  • restore: restore keys from the cache.
  • store: store keys in the cache.
  • usage: get a summary of cache usage.

Cache keys

The cache keys are a comma-separated list of strings to label or select cached items.

The following examples show different ways to store and identify Ruby Gems in the vendor/bundle directory:

cache store our-gems vendor/bundle
cache store gems-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_BRANCH vendor/bundle
cache store gems-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_BRANCH-revision-$(checksum Gemfile.lock) vendor/bundle

To restore counterparts for the example above are:

cache restore our-gems
cache restore gems-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_BRANCH
cache restore gems-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_BRANCH-revision-$(checksum Gemfile.lock),gems-master

cache restore always retrieves the first item that matches a key found in the cache. The rest are ignored. If no archives are restored the command exits with exit status 0.


As the cache store uses tar, which automatically removes any leading / from a given path value, any further changes of the path after the store command completes will not be automatically propagated to the cache.

Space management

The cache store command automatically deletes older files when the cache is full. You can change the deletion criteria using the --cleanup-by or -c argument. For example:

cache store our-gems vendor/bundle --cleanup-by SIZE

The supported options for --cleanup-by are:

  • SIZE: delete biggest files first
  • STORE_TIME: (default) delete oldest files first
  • ACCESS_TIME: delete oldest accessed files first

Environment variables

The cache tool depends on the following environment variables:


This tool clones the repository using Git. For performance reasons, the default behavior is to perform a shallow clone. Shallow clones only include the latest commit instead of the full repository history.

The checkout command takes no arguments. It also changes the directory into the cloned repository. So, for example, this would work on a Node.js project:

No need to cd into the cloned repository
npm install

Full clone

If you want to do a full clone of the repository you can run the following commands to "unshallow" a repository:

git fetch --unshallow
git config remote.origin.fetch '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'
git fetch --all

Clone with cache


This is marked as an experimental feature.

If a full clone takes too long, you can use checkout --use-cache to save a copy of the repository in the Semaphore cache. This should speed up full clones significantly.

To perform a full repository clone with cache run:

checkout --use-cache

This option creates or refreshes one or more copies of the repository in the Semaphore cache. See the environment variables to learn how to control the behavior of the cached copies.

Environment variables

The checkout command uses the following environment variables.


This tool takes a single argument which is the file to checksum. It outputs the MD5 checksum of the file's contents. This tool is useful for tagging artifacts or generating cache keys.

The syntax is:

checksum syntax
checksum <file>


Checksumming package-lock.json
$ checksum package-lock.json


The install-package tool is used to manage Ubuntu packages you may need for your jobs. It downloads and caches packages in a way that can be quickly reinstalled over and over again in different jobs. This is a convenient tool, you can still use sudo to install packages using the system's package manager.

The syntax is:

install-package syntax
install-package <command> <pkg-name>

Where <pkg-name> is the Ubuntu package name without the .deb extension. In other words, you want libc6 instead of libc6.deb.

Where command is one of the following:

  • update: Retrieve new lists of packages
  • upgrade: Perform an upgrade
  • install: Install new packages
  • reinstall: Reinstall packages
  • remove: Remove packages
  • purge: Remove packages and config files
  • autoremove: Remove automatically all unused packages
  • dist-upgrade: Distribution upgrade, see apt-get(8)
  • dselect-upgrade: Follow dselect selections
  • build-dep: Configure build-dependencies for source packages
  • satisfy: Satisfy dependency strings
  • clean: Erase downloaded archive files
  • autoclean: Erase old downloaded archive files
  • check: Verify that there are no broken dependencies
  • source: Download source archives
  • download: Download the binary package into the current directory
  • changelog: Download and display the changelog for the given package

You can supply multiple packages with their versions in the same invocation:

 install-package install mongodb-clients=3.6.8 mysql-client=8.0.36-0ubuntu0.20.04.1

The tool integrates with the Semaphore cache to save, retrieve, and update the Deb packages as needed.

You can reinstall the packages in a different job within the same project with:

Installing packages from the cache in other jobs
install-package install


The retry tool can be used to retry a command on an interval. This is useful when waiting for resources to become available or to mitigate connectivity issues.

The syntax is:

retry syntax
retry [flags] <command>

Where flags are optional arguments:

  • --times or -t: number of times to retry before giving up. Default is 3
  • --sleep or -s: wait interval between retries in seconds. Default is 0

For example, to retry 5 times bundle install with a 10-second sleep use:

retry --times 5 --sleep 10 bundle install


This tool can be used to share key-value data between Semaphore jobs. It enables communication between jobs and pipelines within the same workflow.


sem-context depends on artifacts to store data.

The syntax is:

sem-context syntax
sem-context <action> <key>[=value] [flags]

The possible actions are:

  • put: store a key-value pair
  • get: retrieve a value for a key
  • delete: delete a key

The following limitations apply to keys and values:

  • keys are a alphanumerical string (- and _ are allowed) of length 3 to 256 characters
  • value is a string up to 20KB in size

Possible flags are:

  • --ignore-failure forces the tool to exit with exit status 0 on failure
  • --force overwrites existing keys
  • --fallback <value> provides a default value for the get action if the key is not present

put key

The following example stores the version number with the key ReleaseVersion.

sem-context put ReleaseVersion=1.2.3

Exit status codes:

  • 0: key-value saved successfully
  • 1: key already exists
  • 2: connection to the artifacts server failed
  • 3: invalid format for key or value

get key

The following example retrieves the version number using the key ReleaseVersion.

$ sem-context get ReleaseVersion

Exit status codes:

  • 0: key retrieved successfully
  • 1: key not found
  • 2: connection to the artifacts server failed
  • 3: invalid key format

delete key

The following example deletes the version value using the key ReleaseVersion.

sem-context delete ReleaseVersion

Exit status codes:

  • 0: key deleted successfully
  • 1: key not found
  • 2: connection to the artifacts server failed
  • 3: invalid key format


The sem-service tool manages databases and other useful services in Ubuntu-based environments.


sem-service is not available on self-hosted agents or Docker-based environments.

The syntax is:

sem-service syntax
sem-service <command> <service> [version] [flags]

Where <command> is one of the following:

  • start: starts service in the background, returns when the service is ready to accept connections
  • stop: stops a running service
  • status: returns non-zero exit status if service is not running

All services run locally on the agent running the job. Started services always listen on and their default port.

Services supported

The <service> argument is one of the following:

  • mysql
  • postgres
  • postgis
  • redis
  • rabbitmq
  • memcached
  • mongodb
  • elasticsearch
  • opensearch
  • cassandra
  • rethinkdb

The <version> argument depends on the kind of service being started. You can run sem-service help to see all available services and versions.

Options for MySQL and PostgreSQL

When starting mysql or postgres services you can provide the following optional arguments:

  • --username=<username>: user with admin permissions on the instance
    • On mysql defaults to "root"
    • On postgres defaults to "postgres"
  • --password=<password>: password for the admin user
    • On mysql defaults to "test"
    • On postgres defaults to a blank string
  • --db=<name> database name to create and default to

Container registry images

The sem-service tool pulls images from the Semaphore Container Registry.


The sem-version tool manages language and utility versions in Ubuntu environments. It provides a quick and simple way to install and switch to a version of a command line tool or programming language.


sem-version is not available on self-hosted agents or Docker-based environments.

The syntax is:

sem-version syntax
sem-version <target> <version> [flags]

Languages supported

Where <target> is one of the following:

  • elixir
  • erlang
  • go
  • java
  • kubectl
  • php
  • ruby
  • python
  • scala
  • node

The <version> depends on the target used. The command fails with a non-zero exit code unless the --ignore or -i flag is supplied.

For example, to download and use Go version 1.22:

sem-version go 1.22


The Semaphore Pipeline Compiler (SPC) is used during initialization jobs to process runtime values in input pipelines. It generates an output pipeline that is used for the workflow execution.


spc is called automatically by Semaphore during initialization.

The syntax is:

spc syntax
spc compile --input <input-pipeline-file> --output <output-pipeline-file> --logs <logs-file>

The tool evaluates change_in arguments and outputs the result of each match condition.


This tool processes test results in the JUnit format. It is used to process and generate test reports and the flaky tests dashboard.

The syntax is:

test-results <command> [flags]

The available commands are:

  • combine: combines multiples JSON report files into one file summary
  • compile: parses JUnit XML files to a well-defined JSON report file
  • gen-pipeline-report: fetches and combines workflow-level JUnit report and combines them
  • publish: parses XML JUnit file to a well-defined JSON schema and publishes results to artifacts storage

The available flags are:

  • --config <path>: path to the config file. Default is $HOME/.test-results.yaml
  • --name <name> or -N <name>: override the name of the test suite
  • --parser <name> or -p <name>: override the parser used. Defaults to "auto"
  • --suite-prefix <name> or -S <name>: add a prefix for the test suite name
  • --trace: provide trace logging

The test-results CLI is open-sourced and available on semaphoreci/test-results. You can access the source code, contribute, and report issues there.

Merging test results

To use the test result feature you must add the following command at the end of every test job.

The syntax is:

test-results publish <path>

Where <path> is a file or a directory containing JUnit XML files. This processes the files and uploads the results to the artifact store.

If working with Docker containers, you need to expose the JUnit files using bind mounts. For example:

docker run -v $(pwd):/app test-runner run-specs
test-results publish junit.xml


sem-semantic-release wraps the [semantic release CLI] and exports the release information to the rest of your delivery process using sem-context put. This information can later be retrieved with sem-context get.

It is handy when you want to continue the delivery process once the release has been created. A common example would be to build a Docker image tagged with the release version, or add an annotation to a Kubernetes deployment manifest.

General usage in CI:


Usage options:

Usage: sem-semantic-release [OPTION]...

--dry-run runs semantic-release without publishing version
--plugins npm plugins and extensions to be installed
--branches branches to run semantic release for
--version semantic-release version

The sem-semantic-release exports the following values to sem-context

ReleasePublishedWhether a new release was published ("true" or "false")
ReleaseVersionVersion of the new release. (e.g. "1.3.0")
ReleaseMajorVersionMajor version of the new release. (e.g. "1")
ReleaseMinorVersionMinor version of the new release. (e.g. "3")
ReleasePatchVersionPatch version of the new release. (e.g. "0")

You can use these values in your pipeline to automatically figure version numbers. For example:

docker build . -t my-app:$(sem-context get ReleaseVersion)
docker push
sed -i "s/IMAGE/$(sem-context get ReleaseVersion)" deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f deployment.yml

See also