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This guide will help build Android projects on Semaphore.


Semaphore provides a set of Docker images tailored for Android developers. These pre-built images ship with the Android SDK and other common build tools for Android projects.

These images can be used both for Android and React Native projects. Semaphore also supports using Android emulators inside CI jobs.

How to use Android containers

Use Docker Environments to run jobs inside pre-built Android images.

To use an Android container in your pipeline, follow these steps:

  1. Open the pipeline

  2. Select "Docker Containers" in Environment Type

  3. Choose a machine

  4. Type the name of the Image. Use one of the available Android SDK images

    Selecting an Android image

  5. Configure your jobs

  6. Press Run the workflow

Example for React Native

This section shows how to configure a pipeline to build and test a React Native project using Android containers.

  1. Use an Android container. You need one of the image variants that ship with Node.js, e.g. android:34-node

  2. Create a Build/Install block with the following commands

    cache restore
    npm install
    cache store
  3. Create a second test block with the following prologue. This starts the Android emulator

    sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-34" "emulator"
    sdkmanager "system-images;android-34;default;armeabi-v7a"
    echo no | avdmanager create avd -n Nexus_S_API_34 -k "system-images;android-34;default;armeabi-v7a" --device "Nexus S"
  4. Type the following commands in the test job

    cache restore
    npm test

    React Native Pipeline

  5. Optionally, add more test jobs as needed

  6. Press Run the workflow

Building custom images

You can find the pre-build Android images in the Semaphore Container Registry.

The image definition and Dockerfiles for these images can be found in the repository semaphoreci/docker-images. Clone this repository to build your own image variants.

There are Docker images for each recent version of Android. There are also variants with Node.js preinstalled for React Native development:

  • android:<version>: basic image with development utilities
  • android:<version>-node: basic image extended with Node.js
  • android:<version>-flutter: basic image extended with Flutter toolchain

Android SDK images

These are the pre-built Android images available:

  • android:34
  • android:34-node
  • android:34-flutter
  • android:33
  • android:33-node
  • android:33-flutter
  • android:31
  • android:31-node
  • android:31-flutter
  • android:30
  • android:30-node
  • android:30-flutter
  • android:29
  • android:29-node
  • android:29-flutter
  • android:28
  • android:28-node
  • android:28-flutter
  • android:27
  • android:27-node
  • android:27-flutter
  • android:26
  • android:26-node
  • android:26-flutter
  • android:25
  • android:25-node
  • android:25-flutter
  • android:24
  • android:24-node
  • android:23
  • android:23-node

Pre-installed software

  • ARM simulator (libqt5widgets5)
  • Google Cloud SDK
  • apt
  • apt-transport-https
  • build-essential
  • bzip2
  • ca-certificates
  • curl
  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • git
  • gnupg
  • gradle
  • gzip
  • jq
  • lftp
  • locales
  • lsb-release
  • maven
  • mercurial
  • net-tools
  • netcat
  • openssh-client
  • parallel
  • ruby 2.6.1
  • software-properties-common
  • sudo
  • tar
  • tree
  • unzip
  • vim
  • wget
  • xvfb
  • zip