Releasing semantic versions#

Semantic versioning is a formal convention for determining the version number of new software releases. The standard helps software users to understand the severity of changes in each new distribution. A project that uses semantic versioning will advertise a Major, Minor, and Patch number for each release.

Semaphore integrates with a widely used semantic versioning tool: semantic-release. It automates the process and reduces the possibility of human errors. sem-semantic-release is a thin wrapper around semantic-release CLI that executes the release and exports release information. It makes a version number available for the rest of the delivery process.

Setting up an automatic semantic release process#

To set up an automated semantic release process, you will need:

  • a configured release pipeline
  • a secret with necessary credentials (e.g. GitHub personal access token)
  • the latest version of Node.js (it is already installed on hosted machines)
  • (optional) Configuration parameters for customizing the release process

Step 1: Create a secret with the Git credentials#

The secret will contain access credentials to your repository. Go to Organizations Setting > New Secret:

  1. Set the name to semantic-release-credentials.
  2. Add an environment variable according to the documentation here. As an example, for GitHub set the following:

  3. Save the new secret.

The release pipeline will use this secret to connect to GitHub and generate the new release.

Step 2: Create a release pipeline#

In the main Semaphore pipeline .semaphore/semaphore.yml define a promotion that will trigger the automated release process:

name: Build & Test

  - name: Test
      - name: Tests
          - checkout
          - make test

  - name: Automatic SemVer Release
    pipeline: release.yaml
      when: "branch = 'master' or branch =~ 'release/.*'"

Define the release pipeline in your Git repository .semaphore/release.yml with the following content:

name: Release

  - name: Release
      - name: semantic-release-credentials
      - name: Release
          - checkout
          - sem-semantic-release

Step 3: Configure the release process (optional)#

Create a configuration file in the root of your repository .releaserc to customize the release process. The configuration options and their default values are described in the documentation of the semantic release CLI. sem-semantic-release uses the latest version of semantic-release with pre-installed plugins available in npm and its default values.

Step 4: Create a release#

Switch to the default branch in your repository, and push a new fix:

git switch main
# ... make some changes to your code
git commit -m "fix(pencil): stop graphite breaking when too much pressure applied"
git push

The above command will trigger a new pipeline on Semaphore and generate a new patch release.

Using the release information in the continuation of your delivery process#

sem-semantic-release wraps the semantic release CLI and exports the release information to the rest of your delivery process using sem-context put. This information can later be retrieved with sem-context get. It is handy when you want to continue the delivery process once the release has been created. A common example would be to build a Docker image tagged with the release version, or add an annotation to a Kubernetes deployment manifest.

All information is provided as string values.

Exported release information#

Key Description
ReleasePublished Whether a new release was published ("true" or "false")
ReleaseVersion Version of the new release. (e.g. "1.3.0")
ReleaseMajorVersion Major version of the new release. (e.g. "1")
ReleaseMinorVersion Minor version of the new release. (e.g. "3")
ReleasePatchVersion Patch version of the new release. (e.g. "0")

Example 1: Tagging a Docker image with the ReleaseVersion#

name: Release

  - name: Make New Release
      - name: semantic-release-credentials
      - name: Release
          - sem-semantic-release

  - name: Release Docker Image
      - name: gcr-credentials
      - Make New Release
      - name: Build & push docker image
          - docker build . -t my-app:$(sem-context get ReleaseVersion)
          - docker push

Example 2: Tagging a Docker image and releasing a new Kubernetes version#

name: Release

  - name: Make New Release
      - name: semantic-release-credentials
      - name: Release
          - sem-semantic-release

  - name: Release Docker Image
      - name: gcr-credentials
      - Make New Release
      - name: Build & push docker image
          - docker build . -t my-app:$(sem-context get ReleaseVersion)
          - docker push

  - name: Update Kubernetes deployment
      - name: gke-credentials
      - Release Docker Image
      - name: kube apply
          - sed -i "s/IMAGE/$(sem-context get ReleaseVersion)" deployment.yml
          - kubectl apply -f deployment.yml