Artifact CLI Reference#

Note: Using Artifacts during the beta period is free. Once the artifacts system is in general availability, additional charges will apply based on usage.

Every project on Semaphore has access to three levels of artifact store: project, workflow, and job. Based on this level, you can retrieve a specific artifact in the job environment and via the web interface. You can read more about suggested use cases here.

The artifact command line interface (CLI), is a tool that helps you manage deliverables created during the CI/CD process of your project on Semaphore. Currently it is available in Linux and Docker environments on Semaphore.

The general interface of the artifact utility is:

artifact [COMMAND] [LEVEL] [PATH] [flags]

 COMMAND - action to be performed for an artifact (push, pull or yank/delete)
 LEVEL   - artifact store level (one of project, workflow, job)
 PATH    - indicates an artifact (e.g. file or directory)
 flags   - optional command line flags (e.g. --force, --destination)


# push a final deliverable to the project level
artifact push project app-v1.tar.gz

# push a screenshot to the job level
artifact push job screenshots/app.png

# push a binary to the workflow level 
artifact push workflow build/app

# pull a binary from the workflow level 
artifact pull workflow build/app

# delete a binary from the workflow level 
artifact yank workflow build/app

Uploading Artifacts#

To upload an artifact from Semaphore job, it is necessary to specify the artifact store level and indicate a file or directory with the artifact push command:

artifact push project my-artifact-v3.tar

Available flags:


  Used to adjust artifact name within the artifact store.
  Later, you can use this name with `artifact pull` to download the artifact
  to a Semaphore job. For example: 

    artifact push project my-artifact.tar --destination releases/my-artifact-v3.tar
    artifact pull project releases/my-artifact-v3.tar


  By default, the `artifact push` command doesn't upload an artifact
  if it is already available in the store. You can use this option to overwrite
  existing file. For example:

    artifact push project my-artifact.tar --force

Downloading Artifacts#

Similarly, you can use the artifact pull command to download an artifact to the Semaphore job environment. You need to specify the artifact store level of the target artifact and to indicate a file or directory within the store.

artifact pull project my-artifact-v3.tar

Available flags:


  This flag can be used to specify a path to which an artifact is downloaded 
  in the Semaphore job environment. For example: 

    artifact pull project releases/my-artifact-v3.tar --destination my-artifact.tar


  Use this option to overwrite a file or directory within a Semaphore job environment.

Deleting Artifacts#

To remove an artifact from an artifact store, specify the store level and indicate a file or directory with the artifact yank or artifact delete command.

artifact yank project my-artifact-v3.tar

Supported file names#

The uploaded files must meet the following requirements:

  • File names can contain any sequence of valid Unicode characters, and must be of a length of 1-1024 bytes when UTF-8 encoded.
  • File names cannot contain Carriage Return or Line Feed characters.
  • File names cannot start with .well-known/acme-challenge/.
  • File names cannot contain non URI encodable characters {, }, |, \, ^, ~, [, ]
  • Files cannot be named . or ...

In the event that you have a file that is not able to fit the above criteria, the recommended solution is to create a tarball before uploading the files to the artifact store.

For example, if you have the following structure:

├─ [id].json
├─ {username}.json
├─ user|character.json

Create a tarball before pushing to artifacts with:

tar -czvf example.tar.gz ~/example
artifact push workflow example.tar.gz

Then, when pulling the artifact, extract the content with:

artifact pull workflow example.tar.gz
tar -xzf example.tar.gz