Selecting language versions

The sem-version utility in Linux-based virtual machines is used for changing the version of a programming language.

The sem-version utility does not work in a Docker based build environment.

The supported programming languages are elixir, erlang, go, java, kubectl, php, ruby, python, scala, and node.

The general form of the sem-version utility is shown below:

sem-version [PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE] [VERSION] [-i|--ignore]

where [PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE] is one of the following: elixir, erlang, go, java, kubectl, php, ruby, python, scala, or node. The value of the [VERSION] parameter depends on the programming language used. The sem-version utility will fail the job if it cannot execute the requested change, unless flag -i or --ignore is specified.

Here is an example of sem-version in a pipeline:

version: v1.0
name: Testing sem-version
    type: e1-standard-2
    os_image: ubuntu2004

  - name: sem-version
      - name: Using sem-version
          - sem-version go 1.9
          - go version