This document describes all the resources that make up Semaphore 2.0 API version v1alpha. If you have any problems or requests please contact support.

The root of the API can be found here: https://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha.



Every API request and response must satisfy the following constraints:

  • All requests must use HTTPS.
  • All data is sent and received as JSON.
  • Blank fields are included as null instead of being omitted.
  • Timestamps are in different formats due to the historical circumstances of how these public APIs appeared. In the next release of the API, they will be standardized. Currently, there are the following formats:
  • Unixtime Epoch time: "create_time": "1571083003"
  • Unixtime Epoch time with nanoseconds: "created_at": {"seconds": 1571063401, "nanos": 559492000}
  • Custom format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ffffffZ, e.g.,"2019-10-14 12:11:47.824128Z"
  • All API requests must set the User-Agent to SemaphoreCI v2.0 Client.


All API requests require authentication. To authenticate, you need an API Token. You can find your token by visiting your account settings.

Your API Token must be sent as an HTTP header in all requests, as shown below:

curl -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" "https://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/{resource_name}"


You can receive several errors as a response to an API request.

Failure to authenticate#

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

Requesting non-existing resources#

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Requesting resources that are not visible to the user#

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found


Every request that that returns more than 30 items will be paginated. To avoid this, you should form calls with link header values instead of constructing your own URLs.

A link header includes information about pagination, as shown below:

link: <http://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/?PAGE_PARAMS>; rel="first",
      <http://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/orgs?PAGE_PARAMS>; rel="next"

The possible rel values are:

  • next - The link for the next page of results.
  • prev - The link for the previous page of results.
  • first - The link for the first page of results.


  • Compatible and emergency changes may be made with no advance notice.
  • Disruptive changes will not occur without advanced notice. In the event that a disruptive change is needed, a new major version will be developed.

Types of changes#

Compatible change#

Small in scope and unlikely to break or change semantics of existing methods.

  • Adding nested resources, methods, and attributes.
  • Change of documentation.
  • Change of undocumented behavior.
Disruptive change#

May have a larger impact and effort will be made to provide migration paths as needed.

  • Changing semantics of existing methods.
  • Removing resources, methods, and attributes.
Emergency change#
  • May have larger impact, but is unavoidable due to legal compliance, security vulnerabilities, or violation of specification.


No changes.


Running a workflow#

POST {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/plumber-workflows


  • project_id (required) - ID of a project.
  • reference (required) - git reference for the desired branch, tag, or pull request--e.g. refs/heads/master, refs/tags/v1.0, or refs/pull/123.
  • commit_sha (optional) - Commit sha of the desired commit.
  • pipeline_file (optional) - The path within the repository to the YAML file that contains the pipeline definition. The default value is .semaphore/semaphore.yml.


HTTP status: 200

  "workflow_id": "32a689e0-9082-4c5b-a648-bb3dc645452d",
  "pipeline_id": "2abeb1a9-eb4a-4834-84b8-cb7806aec063",
  "hook_id": "ff7d57ef-92c5-4fcd-9c0c-6ae9e24bfcec"


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \
     -d "project_id={project_id}&reference={reference}" \
     -X POST  "https://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/plumber-workflows"

Describing a workflow#

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/plumber-workflows/:workflow_id


  • workflow_id (required) - ID of a workflow.


HTTP status: 200

  "workflow": {
    "wf_id": "72c434c4-6589-493d-97cd-22f46681c893",
    "requester_id": "d32141ca-1552-4370-b0d4-4030aa9cf524",
    "project_id": "adaede30-9de5-471f-9f95-b7d437170f10",
    "initial_ppl_id": "f86b3b5e-c3de-4f77-849f-39e080374ce4",
    "hook_id": "6d7ed9d3-3047-4d5e-9b27-f0b68b228409",
    "created_at": {
      "seconds": 1571063401,
      "nanos": 559492000
    "commit_sha": "6fe03f118b7aa7b8ea1a983c3faee4f8b54213a5",
    "branch_name": "master",
    "branch_id": "e8a4ad3b-4951-4520-aed7-6292ebd70076"


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Listing workflows#

GET https://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/plumber-workflows?project_id=:project_id


  • project_id (required) - ID of a project.
  • branch_name (optional) - Name of branch (used as a filter).


HTTP status: 200

    "wf_id": "a99a75c3-f921-4fa9-a43f-69b2cede6274",
    "requester_id": "fcd7fe34-f73f-4686-821b-ce02cb970b22",
    "project_id": "c394d20b-b3c6-4c90-b743-a9a65fa95a78",
    "initial_ppl_id": "e1a678ba-ed2d-412f-b350-7333579bb0d3",
    "hook_id": "4a1d3cf7-c3d5-42ec-aa22-c31dffa9f05d",
    "created_at": {
      "seconds": 1570792145,
      "nanos": 544028000
    "commit_sha": "cac345d0a7d425e23e18f7be33e9b441f95c65f5",
    "branch_name": "gallery",
    "branch_id": "70f52bdd-2dab-427a-81b1-d2999bc8c2a8"
    "wf_id": "e08a7a60-413c-4224-a208-9c67302d3ba1",
    "requester_id": "fcd7fe34-f73f-4686-821b-ce02cb970b22",
    "project_id": "c394d20b-b3c6-4c90-b743-a9a65fa95a78",
    "initial_ppl_id": "64dc1837-aaad-4907-a7db-aedfe091a987",
    "hook_id": "84de6482-8f5b-4f31-996f-528b6d8fa771",
    "created_at": {
      "seconds": 1570715702,
      "nanos": 345824000
    "commit_sha": "aa292a7a8de08bc6246de697b84d2531fc64a43b",
    "branch_name": "gallery",
    "branch_id": "70f52bdd-2dab-427a-81b1-d2999bc8c2a8"


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Rerunning a workflow#

POST {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/plumber-workflows/:workflow_id/reschedule?request_token=:request_token


  • workflow_id (required) - ID of the workflow that you want to rerun.
  • request_token (required) - Idempotency token (can be any string).


HTTP status: 200

  "wf_id": "965d3c3d-bbe6-4ff7-b62a-1ff51a92bdc0",
  "ppl_id": "6cf4569c-f76c-4dea-b293-3e4282ba1153"


curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Stopping a workflow#

POST {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/plumber-workflows/:workflow_id/terminate


  • workflow_id (required) - ID of the workflow that you want to stop.


HTTP status: 200


curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \


Describing a pipeline#

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/pipelines/:pipeline_id


  • pipeline_id (required) - ID of a pipeline.
  • detailed (optional) - Default: false, which includes all information about all blocks and jobs. This option is much more expensive--if you are only interested in the status of a pipeline, don't set detailed to true.


HTTP status: 200

  "pipeline": {
    "yaml_file_name": "semaphore.yml",
    "working_directory": ".semaphore",
    "wf_id": "965d3c3d-bbe6-4ff7-b62a-1ff51a92bdc0",
    "terminated_by": "",
    "terminate_request": "",
    "switch_id": "",
    "stopping_at": "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z",
    "state": "done",
    "snapshot_id": "",
    "running_at": "2019-10-14 18:31:20.232006Z",
    "result_reason": "test",
    "result": "passed",
    "queuing_at": "2019-10-14 18:31:18.553131Z",
    "project_id": "162987ba-bda7-4e54-9c45-977a8cc6087d",
    "ppl_id": "6cf4569c-f76c-4dea-b293-3e4282ba1153",
    "pending_at": "2019-10-14 18:31:18.527207Z",
    "name": "First pipeline example",
    "hook_id": "788fd118-fb8f-45f9-9c18-07163721640b",
    "error_description": "",
    "done_at": "2019-10-14 18:31:32.507034Z",
    "created_at": "2019-10-14 18:31:17.293456Z",
    "commit_sha": "a38c3e1506d12fb1510e4b1bca2682abd9681984",
    "branch_name": "master",
    "branch_id": "b032fd6b-8d2d-4ac7-83b4-0a8bc1db192b"
  "blocks": [

A response with the detailed param set to true is shown below:

HTTP status: 200

  "pipeline": {
    "yaml_file_name": "semaphore.yml",
    "working_directory": ".semaphore",
    "wf_id": "965d3c3d-bbe6-4ff7-b62a-1ff51a92bdc0",
    "terminated_by": "",
    "terminate_request": "",
    "switch_id": "",
    "stopping_at": "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z",
    "state": "done",
    "snapshot_id": "",
    "running_at": "2019-10-14 18:31:20.232006Z",
    "result_reason": "test",
    "result": "passed",
    "queuing_at": "2019-10-14 18:31:18.553131Z",
    "project_id": "162987ba-bda7-4e54-9c45-977a8cc6087d",
    "ppl_id": "6cf4569c-f76c-4dea-b293-3e4282ba1153",
    "pending_at": "2019-10-14 18:31:18.527207Z",
    "name": "First pipeline example",
    "hook_id": "788fd118-fb8f-45f9-9c18-07163721640b",
    "error_description": "",
    "done_at": "2019-10-14 18:31:32.507034Z",
    "created_at": "2019-10-14 18:31:17.293456Z",
    "commit_sha": "a38c3e1506d12fb1510e4b1bca2682abd9681984",
    "branch_name": "master",
    "branch_id": "b032fd6b-8d2d-4ac7-83b4-0a8bc1db192b"
  "blocks": [
      "state": "done",
      "result_reason": "test",
      "result": "passed",
      "name": "RSpec",
      "jobs": [
          "status": "FINISHED",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "name": "Push results - 2/11",
          "job_id": "31094182-03bf-4e39-acfe-ed1058d7eb6c",
          "index": 1
          "status": "FINISHED",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "name": "Push results - 4/11",
          "job_id": "97bfb7ad-0b31-4a74-877a-b4ef1f357c5f",
          "index": 3
          "status": "FINISHED",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "name": "Push results - 3/11",
          "job_id": "a7e072d0-7996-4aee-b719-72c95e53a3b2",
          "index": 2
          "status": "FINISHED",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "name": "Push results - 1/11",
          "job_id": "4629b620-f7b0-44e7-b3fb-c2802899b1ea",
          "index": 0
      "error_description": "",
      "build_req_id": "4a45fe07-6dd0-49b9-88a4-1cf49746b642",
      "block_id": "83b79652-bdfa-439c-a210-a3f0d07bbca6"
      "state": "done",
      "result_reason": "test",
      "result": "passed",
      "name": "ExUnit",
      "jobs": [
          "status": "FINISHED",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "name": "All passed",
          "job_id": "6f90f363-dd85-408b-a656-e37244daf8c7",
          "index": 0
          "status": "FINISHED",
          "result": "PASSED",
          "name": "Failures",
          "job_id": "54976a64-867f-4d02-997f-fc6a31a5dfe0",
          "index": 1
      "error_description": "",
      "build_req_id": "5e563b94-b133-48c5-ac9d-d3a04650f457",
      "block_id": "58911c16-04f1-4084-9a01-d3948df1bd49"


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Listing pipelines#

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/pipelines?project_id=:project_id


  • project_id (required, optional if wf_id is present) - ID of a project.
  • wf_id (required, optional if project_id is present) - ID of a workflow.
  • branch_name (optional) - Name of a branch.
  • yml_file_path (optional) - YML file that contains the pipeline definition.
  • created_after (optional) - Only pipelines created after this Unix timestamp will be returned.
  • created_before (optional) - Only pipelines created before this Unix timestamp will be returned.
  • done_after (optional) - Only pipelines finished after this Unix timestamp will be returned.
  • done_before (optional) - Only pipelines finished before this Unix timestamp will be returned.


HTTP status: 200

    "yaml_file_name": "semaphore.yml",
    "working_directory": ".semaphore",
    "wf_id": "484e263a-424a-4820-bff0-bba436c54042",
    "terminated_by": "",
    "terminate_request": "",
    "switch_id": "c3e752e9-74ab-4207-bda9-4a9ce4ef17a0",
    "stopping_at": {
      "seconds": 0,
      "nanos": 0
    "state": "DONE",
    "snapshot_id": "",
    "running_at": {
      "seconds": 1571076845,
      "nanos": 810862000
    "result": "FAILED",
    "queuing_at": {
      "seconds": 1571076843,
      "nanos": 878741000
    "project_id": "c394d20b-b3c6-4c90-b743-a9a65fa95a78",
    "ppl_id": "0a9563f9-09a3-4450-a9bf-75b75373881a",
    "pending_at": {
      "seconds": 1571076843,
      "nanos": 868054000
    "name": "Pipeline",
    "hook_id": "cd7f6162-9b6e-435a-89a7-3968b542e9c7",
    "error_description": "",
    "done_at": {
      "seconds": 1571076991,
      "nanos": 166159000
    "created_at": {
      "seconds": 1571076843,
      "nanos": 537730000
    "commit_sha": "ac3f9796df42db976814e3fee670e11e3fd4b98a",
    "branch_name": "ms\/another-test-branch",
    "branch_id": "a79557f2-dc4e-4807-ba89-601401eb3b1e"


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Stopping a pipeline#

PATCH {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/pipelines/:pipeline_id


  • pipeline_id (required) - ID of a pipeline.
  • terminate_request (required) - Must be set to true.


HTTP status: 200


curl -i -X PATCH  -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \
     --header "Accept: application/json"  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data '{"terminate_request": true}' \

Validating a pipeline YAML#

POST {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/yaml


  • yaml_definition (required) - the YAML document for the pipeline


HTTP status: 200
{"pipeline_id":"","message":"YAML definition is valid."}


curl -i -X POST \
        -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --data "{\"yaml_definition\": \"$(cat .semaphore/semaphore.yml | sed 's/\"/\\\"/g')\"}" \


Listing promotions#

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/promotions?pipeline_id=:pipeline_id


  • pipeline_id (required) - ID of a pipeline.


HTTP status: 200

    "triggered_by": "Pipeline Done request",
    "triggered_at": {
      "seconds": 1571065763,
      "nanos": 817290000
    "status": "passed",
    "scheduled_pipeline_id": "d605c1ed-5664-4ce3-8419-14d3d7337c35",
    "scheduled_at": {
      "seconds": 1571065764,
      "nanos": 900999000
    "override": false,
    "name": "production"


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Triggering a promotion#

POST {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/promotions


  • pipeline_id (required) - ID of a pipeline.
  • name (required) - Name of the promotion, e.g. Production deployment.
  • override (optional) - Boolean safeguard flag that needs to be set to true if you want to trigger a promotion for a pipeline that has failed or is still running.
  • parameter_name - (optional) - name of the parameter used in the parameterized promotion


HTTP status: 200


curl -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}"  \
     -d "name=:promotion_name&pipeline_id=:pipeline_id"  \
     -X POST  "https://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/promotions"


Describing a job#

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/jobs/:job_id


HTTP status: 200

  "metadata": {
    "name": "Job #1",
    "id": "bc8826bd-dbb2-4d28-8c90-7f370ce478fe",
    "create_time": "1571083003",
    "update_time": "1571083507",
    "start_time": "1571083006",
    "finish_time": "1571083507"
  "spec": {
    "project_id": "162987ba-bda7-4e54-9c45-977a8cc6087d",
    "agent": {
      "machine": {
        "type": "e1-standard-2",
        "os_image": "ubuntu2004"
    "env_vars": [
        "name": "SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID",
        "value": "59b32e16-3c4a-4940-899e-348c28396884"
        "value": "2"
        "value": "abb4fb87-309d-490a-bf0d-84972641b130"
        "name": "SEMAPHORE_PIPELINE_ID",
        "value": "abb4fb87-309d-490a-bf0d-84972641b130"
        "value": "abb4fb87-309d-490a-bf0d-84972641b130"
    "commands": [
      "sleep 3600"
  "status": {
    "result": "STOPPED",
    "state": "FINISHED",
    "agent": {
      "ip": "",
      "name": "",
      "ports": [
          "name": "ssh",
          "number": 30000


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Stopping a job#

POST {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/jobs/:job_id/stop


HTTP status: 200


curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Getting job logs#

NOTE: Instead of using the API to fetch job logs, you can also use sem cli tool to perform the same action.

GET https://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/logs/:job_id


HTTP status: 200

  "events": [
      "event": "job_started",
      "timestamp": 1719979253
      "event": "cmd_started",
      "timestamp": 1719979253,
      "directive": "Exporting environment variables"
      "event": "cmd_output",
      "timestamp": 1719979253,
      "output": "Exporting CI\n"
      "event": "cmd_output",
      "timestamp": 1719979253,
      "output": "Exporting DISPLAY\n"
      "event": "cmd_output",
      "timestamp": 1719979253,
      "output": "Exporting PAGER\n"
      "event": "cmd_finished",
      "timestamp": 1719979255,
      "directive": "Exporting environment variables",
      "exit_code": 0,
      "started_at": 1719979255,
      "finished_at": 1719979255
      "event": "job_finished",
      "timestamp": 1719979255,
      "result": "passed"


curl -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Self-hosted agent types#

Listing agent types#

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/self_hosted_agent_types


HTTP status: 200

  "agent_types": [
      "status": {
        "total_agent_count": 0
      "spec": {
        "agent_name_settings": {
          "assignment_origin": "assignment_origin_agent",
          "release_after": 0
      "metadata": {
        "update_time": 1644963451,
        "name": "s1-aws-small",
        "create_time": 1632129338
      "status": {
        "total_agent_count": 0
      "spec": {
        "agent_name_settings": {
          "assignment_origin": "assignment_origin_aws_sts",
          "release_after": 0,
          "aws": {
            "account_id": "1234567890",
            "role_name_patterns": "role1,role2"
      "metadata": {
        "update_time": 1641302626,
        "name": "s1-aws-large",
        "create_time": 1638470284


curl -i \
  -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Create an agent type#

POST {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/self_hosted_agent_types


  • metadata.name (required) - the name of the agent type to be created.
  • spec.agent_name_settings.assignment_origin (optional) - the origin of the agent name assignment during its registration. The possible values are: assignment_origin_agent (default) and assignment_origin_aws_sts.
  • spec.agent_name_settings.release_after (optional) - how long to hold the agent name after its disconnection, not allowing other agents to register with its name. By default, this is 0.
  • spec.agent_name_settings.aws.account_id (required if assignment_origin_aws_sts is used)
  • spec.agent_name_settings.aws.role_name_patterns (required if assignment_origin_aws_sts is used) - comma-separated list of AWS role names. Wildcards (*) can be used too.


HTTP status: 200

  "metadata": {
    "update_time": 1668626650,
    "name": "s1-aws-small",
    "create_time": 1668626650
  "spec": {
    "agent_name_settings": {
      "assignment_origin": "assignment_origin_aws_sts",
      "release_after": 0,
      "aws": {
        "account_id": "1234567890",
        "role_name_patterns": "role1,role2,role3*"
  "status": {
    "total_agent_count": 0,
    "registration_token": "..."


curl -i \
  -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  --data '{"metadata": {"name": "s1-aws-small"}, "spec": {"agent_name_settings": {"assignment_origin": "assignment_origin_agent", "release_after": 0}}}' \

Update an agent type#

PATCH {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/self_hosted_agent_types/:agent_type_name


  • agent_type_name (required) - the name of the agent type to describe.

Request body

The request body should be a JSON object, encapsulating details about the agent type to be updated. The available fields are the same as those for creating an agent type.


HTTP status: 200

  "metadata": {
    "update_time": 1668626650,
    "name": "s1-aws-small",
    "create_time": 1668626650
  "spec": {
    "agent_name_settings": {
      "assignment_origin": "assignment_origin_aws_sts",
      "release_after": 0,
      "aws": {
        "account_id": "1234567890",
        "role_name_patterns": "role1,role2,role3*"
  "status": {
    "total_agent_count": 0


curl -X PATCH -i \
  -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  --data '{"metadata": {"name": "s1-aws-small"}, "spec": {"agent_name_settings": {"assignment_origin": "assignment_origin_agent", "release_after": 0}}}' \

Describe an agent type#

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/self_hosted_agent_types/:agent_type_name


  • agent_type_name (required) - the name of the agent type to describe.


HTTP status: 200

  "status": {
    "total_agent_count": 0
  "spec": {
    "agent_name_settings": {
      "assignment_origin": "assignment_origin_agent",
      "release_after": 0
  "metadata": {
    "update_time": 1644963451,
    "name": "s1-aws-small",
    "create_time": 1632129338


curl -i \
  -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Delete an agent type#

DELETE {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/self_hosted_agent_types/:agent_type_name


  • agent_type_name (required) - the name of the agent type to delete.


HTTP status: 200


curl -i -X DELETE \
  -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Disable agents for an agent type#

POST {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/self_hosted_agent_types/:agent_type_name/disable_all


  • agent_type_name (required) - the name of the agent type to disable agents for.
  • only_idle (optional) - a boolean flag that controls whether all agents are disabled or only idle ones. By default, this is set to true.


HTTP status: 200


curl -i \
  -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \
  -d 'only_idle=false' \

Self-hosted agents#

Listing agents for an agent type#

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/agents?agent_type=:agent_type&page_size=:page_size&cursor=:cursor


  • agent_type (optional) - the name of the agent type to filter for. If not specified, agents for all agent types will be returned.
  • page_size (optional) - the number of agents to return per page. By default, this is 200. If the current number of agents is more than the page size, the response will contain a non-empty cursor field.
  • cursor (optional) - a cursor used to return agents for the next page.


HTTP status: 200

  "agents": [
      "status": {
        "state": "waiting_for_job"
      "metadata": {
        "version": "v2.2.6",
        "type": "s1-my-type",
        "pid": 14,
        "os": "Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS",
        "name": "JE1wNRR53A9IORQTMQhb",
        "ip_address": "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
        "hostname": "myhost",
        "connected_at": 1686917254,
        "arch": "x86"
      "status": {
        "state": "waiting_for_job"
      "metadata": {
        "version": "v2.2.6",
        "type": "s1-my-type",
        "pid": 14,
        "os": "Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS",
        "name": "tE77rxu2gHy2clIe4tHV",
        "ip_address": "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
        "hostname": "myhost",
        "connected_at": 1686917261,
        "arch": "x86"
  "cursor": ""


curl -i \
  -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Describe an agent#

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/agents/:agent_name


  • agent_name (required) - the name of the agent to describe.


HTTP status: 200

  "status": {
    "state": "waiting_for_job"
  "metadata": {
    "version": "v2.2.6",
    "type": "s1-my-type",
    "pid": 14,
    "os": "Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS",
    "name": "tE77rxu2gHy2clIe4tHV",
    "ip_address": "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
    "hostname": "myhost",
    "connected_at": 1686917261,
    "arch": "x86"


curl -i \
  -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Deployment targets#

Listing targets#

This API endpoint provides a list of deployment targets linked to a given project.

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets?project_id=:project_id


  • project_id (required) - UUID of the project for which deployment targets are to be listed.


The response is a JSON object comprising an array of deployment target objects for the specified project ID.

HTTP status: 200

    "url": "project_1234.zyx",
    "updated_by": "02984c87-efe8-4ea1-bcac-9511a34a3df3",
    "updated_at": "2023-06-07T09:24:04.000000Z",
    "subject_rules": [
        "type": "ANY",
        "subject_id": ""
    "state_message": "",
    "state": "USABLE",
    "project_id": "a426b4db-1919-483d-926d-06ba1320b209",
    "organization_id": "7304b7f9-7482-46d4-9b95-3cd5a6ef2e6f",
    "object_rules": [
        "type": "BRANCH",
        "pattern": "",
        "match_mode": "ALL"
        "type": "TAG",
        "pattern": "",
        "match_mode": "ALL"
        "type": "PR",
        "pattern": "",
        "match_mode": "ALL"
    "name": "DTName123",
    "last_deployment": null,
    "id": "e79d3d1c-61cc-4e07-ba32-f86694f5e80d",
    "description": "DT description",
    "created_by": "02984c87-efe8-4ea1-bcac-9511a34a3df3",
    "created_at": "2023-06-01T10:07:36.000000Z",
    "bookmark_parameter3": "",
    "bookmark_parameter2": "",
    "bookmark_parameter1": "",
    "active": true


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Describing a target#

This API endpoint retrieves the details about a deployment target specified by its UUID.

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets/:target_id


  • target_id (required) - The UUID of the deployment target.


HTTP status: 200

  "url": "project_1234.zyx",
  "updated_by": "02984c87-efe8-4ea1-bcac-9511a34a3df3",
  "updated_at": "2023-06-07T09:24:04.000000Z",
  "subject_rules": [
      "type": "ANY",
      "subject_id": ""
  "state_message": "",
  "state": "USABLE",
  "project_id": "a426b4db-1919-483d-926d-06ba1320b209",
  "organization_id": "7304b7f9-7482-46d4-9b95-3cd5a6ef2e6f",
  "object_rules": [
      "type": "BRANCH",
      "pattern": "",
      "match_mode": "ALL"
      "type": "TAG",
      "pattern": "",
      "match_mode": "ALL"
      "type": "PR",
      "pattern": "",
      "match_mode": "ALL"
  "name": "DTName123",
  "last_deployment": null,
  "id": "e79d3d1c-61cc-4e07-ba32-f86694f5e80d",
  "description": "DT description",
  "created_by": "02984c87-efe8-4ea1-bcac-9511a34a3df3",
  "created_at": "2023-06-01T10:07:36.000000Z",
  "bookmark_parameter3": "",
  "bookmark_parameter2": "",
  "bookmark_parameter1": "",
  "active": true


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Describing by name and project UUID#

This API endpoint retrieves a deployment target based on its name and the UUID of the project it is linked to.

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets?project_id=:project_id&target_name=:target_name


  • project_id (required) - The UUID of the project to which the deployment target is linked.
  • target_name (required) - The name of the deployment target.


HTTP status: 200

    "url": "project_1234.zyx",
    "updated_by": "02984c87-efe8-4ea1-bcac-9511a34a3df3",
    "updated_at": "2023-06-07T09:24:04.000000Z",
    "subject_rules": [
        "type": "ANY",
        "subject_id": ""
    "state_message": "",
    "state": "USABLE",
    "project_id": "a426b4db-1919-483d-926d-06ba1320b209",
    "organization_id": "7304b7f9-7482-46d4-9b95-3cd5a6ef2e6f",
    "object_rules": [
        "type": "BRANCH",
        "pattern": "",
        "match_mode": "ALL"
        "type": "TAG",
        "pattern": "",
        "match_mode": "ALL"
        "type": "PR",
        "pattern": "",
        "match_mode": "ALL"
    "name": "DTName123",
    "last_deployment": null,
    "id": "e79d3d1c-61cc-4e07-ba32-f86694f5e80d",
    "description": "DT description",
    "created_by": "02984c87-efe8-4ea1-bcac-9511a34a3df3",
    "created_at": "2023-06-01T10:07:36.000000Z",
    "bookmark_parameter3": "",
    "bookmark_parameter2": "",
    "bookmark_parameter1": "",
    "active": true


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Creating a target#

This API endpoint allows you to create a new deployment target and assign it to a specific project.

POST {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets?project_id=:project_id

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object, encapsulating details about the deployment target to be created. The available fields are as follows:

  • name (required) - Unique name for the target within the project.
  • project_id (required) - UUID of the project.
  • unique_token (required) - Idempotency UUID token.
  • description (optional) - A description of the target.
  • url (optional) - The URL of the target.
  • bookmark_parameter1, bookmark_parameter2, bookmark_parameter3 (optional) - Bookmark parameters - string values that represent the names of the promotion parameters. You can later use values of these parameters to filter deployments in deployment history.
  • subject_rules (optional) - Configures who can trigger a promotion of the given deployment target. It should be a list of elements structured as {"type": RULE_TYPE, "subject_id": ID}. The RULE_TYPE can be one of "ANY", "USER", "ROLE", "AUTO" and the ID should be the name of the role (which must be valid for the project) or the UUID of a user. For the USER type you can use {"type": "USER", "git_login": GITLOGIN} where GITLOGIN is the user's git handle. The user must be assigned to the project to be used in the rule. The AUTO rule configures the behavior of auto-promotions. The auto-promotions will not start, even if all the conditions are met, if this rule is not present. In the case of ANY and AUTO rules, there is no need to specify the subject_id.
  • object_rules (optional) - Configures which git references are allowed for a promotion of the given deployment target. It should be a list of elements structured as {"type": RULE_TYPE, "match_mode": MODE, "pattern": PATTERN}. The RULE_TYPE can be "BRANCH", "TAG", or "PR", and the MODE can be "ALL", "EXACT", or "REGEX". When using the PR rule type, the match_mode and pattern parameters cannot be utilized. Simply including PR in the object_rules is sufficient to ensure that any pull request will automatically trigger a promotion.
  • env_vars (optional) - A list of environment variables structured as {"name": NAME, "value": VALUE}, where NAME is the variable name and VALUE is its value.
  • files (optional) - A list of files structured as {"path": PATH, "content": CONTENT}, where PATH is the file path and CONTENT is its base64-encoded content.

You can find more details about each parameter in the Deployment Targets YAML Reference


HTTP status: 200

  "url": "www.myurl.zyx",
  "updated_by": "02984c87-efe8-4ea1-bcac-9511a34a3df3",
  "updated_at": "2023-06-08T07:48:27.000000Z",
  "subject_rules": [
      "type": "ANY",
      "subject_id": ""
  "state_message": "",
  "state": "SYNCING",
  "project_id": "a426b4db-1919-483d-926d-06ba1320b209",
  "organization_id": "7304b7f9-7482-46d4-9b95-3cd5a6ef2e6f",
  "object_rules": [
      "type": "BRANCH",
      "pattern": "",
      "match_mode": "ALL"
      "type": "TAG",
      "pattern": "",
      "match_mode": "ALL"
      "type": "PR",
      "pattern": "",
      "match_mode": "ALL"
  "name": "testTarget",
  "last_deployment": null,
  "id": "ed25bfb6-7149-40c6-8334-4eaf11337569",
  "description": "Target description",
  "created_by": "02984c87-efe8-4ea1-bcac-9511a34a3df3",
  "created_at": "2023-06-08T07:48:27.000000Z",
  "bookmark_parameter3": "",
  "bookmark_parameter2": "",
  "bookmark_parameter1": "my book 1",
  "active": true

Example request

curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \
     "https://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets?project_id=:project_id" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '<json object>' 
curl -XPOST {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets?project_id=a426b4db-1919-483d-926d-06ba1320b209 -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "name": "testTarget", "description": "Target description", "url": "www.myurl.zyx","bookmark_parameter1": "my book 1", "unique_token": "6063dd03-ecfb-11ed-b539-0045e2f582b7",  "env_vars": [ {"name": "env1","value": "val1" }  ],  "files": [ {"path": "/etc/my.conf","content": "'"$(base64 -w 0 /home/pc/proj/someconf.conf)"'" }  ]}'

Updating a target#

This API endpoint allows you to update an existing deployment target.

PATCH {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets/:target_id


  • target_id (required) - UUID of the deployment target to be updated.

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object, encapsulating details about the deployment target to be updated. The available fields are the same as those for creating a target. The difference here is that all fields are optional.


HTTP status: 200

  "url": "www.myurl2.zyx",
  "updated_by": "02984c87-efe8-4ea1-bcac-9511a34a3df3",
  "updated_at": "2023-06-08T08:47:53.000000Z",
  "subject_rules": [
      "type": "ANY",
      "subject_id": ""
  "state_message": "",
  "state": "SYNCING",
  "project_id": "a426b4db-1919-483d-926d-06ba1320b209",
  "organization_id": "7304b7f9-7482-46d4-9b95-3cd5a6ef2e6f",
  "object_rules": [
      "type": "BRANCH",
      "pattern": "",
      "match_mode": "ALL"
      "type": "TAG",
      "pattern": "",
      "match_mode": "ALL"
      "type": "PR",
      "pattern": "",
      "match_mode": "ALL"
  "name": "testTargetChanged",
  "last_deployment": null,
  "id": "ed25bfb6-7149-40c6-8334-4eaf11337569",
  "description": "Target description changed",
  "created_by": "02984c87-efe8-4ea1-bcac-9511a34a3df3",
  "created_at": "2023-06-08T07:48:27.000000Z",
  "bookmark_parameter3": "",
  "bookmark_parameter2": "",
  "bookmark_parameter1": "my book 1c",
  "active": true


curl -i -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}"  \
     "https://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets/:target_id" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '<json object>'
curl -X PATCH https://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/deployment_targets/3a9196d7-f740-4451-b8f2-9d19b10a4520 \
     -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \
     -d'{"name": "testTargetChanged", "description": "Target description changed", "url": "www.myurl2.zyx","bookmark_parameter1": "my book 1c", "unique_token": "6063dd03-ecfb-11ed-b539-0045e2f582b8",  "env_vars": [ {"name": "env1","value": "val2" }  ],  "files": [ {"path": "/etc/my.conf","content": "'"$(base64 -w 0 /home/pc/proje/updated.conf)"'" }]}' \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Deleting a target#

This API endpoint allows you to delete a specific deployment target.

DELETE {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets/:target_id?unique_token=:unique_token


  • target_id (required) - The UUID of the deployment target to be deleted.
  • unique_token (required) - The idempotency UUID token.


HTTP status: 200



curl -i -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Deactivating a target#

This API endpoint allows you to deactivate a specific deployment target.

PATCH {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets/:target_id/deactivate


  • target_id (required) - The UUID of the deployment target to be deactivated.


HTTP status: 200

  "target_id": "a3db05c5-4345-493d-a038-6b5f2f2ba2b5",
  "cordoned": true


curl -i -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Activating a target#

This API endpoint allows you to (re)activate a specific deployment target.

PATCH {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets/:target_id/activate
  • target_id (required) - The UUID of the deployment target to be (re)activated.


HTTP status: 200

  "target_id": "a3db05c5-4345-493d-a038-6b5f2f2ba2b5",
  "cordoned": false


curl -i -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Retrieving deployment history#

This endpoint provides the deployment history for a specific deployment target.

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/deployment_targets/:target_id/history


  • target_id (required) - The UUID of the deployment target for which the deployment history is being retrieved.
  • cursor_type (optional) - Specifies the starting point for data retrieval. Valid values include "FIRST", "AFTER", and "BEFORE". If not specified, FIRST is used, which retrieves the latest deployments.
  • cursor_value (optional) - Represents the timestamp, given in UNIX microseconds, at which the cursor is positioned to retrieve deployment history. If cursor_type is set to AFTER, it retrieves the oldest deployments triggered after the cursor_value. If cursor_type is set to BEFORE, it retrieves the latest deployments triggered before the cursor_value. For the FIRST cursor type, this value is not required.
  • git_ref_type (optional) - Filters deployments based on the git reference that triggered them, such as branch, tag, or pr (for pull requests).
  • git_ref_label (optional) - Filters deployments based on the label of the git reference, such as the name of the branch.
  • triggered_by (optional) - Filters deployments based on the entity that triggered them. To filter by the user who triggered the deployments, provide the user ID.

The response includes cursor_before and cursor_after values that allow you to navigate by moving backward or forward accordingly. The response contains at most 10 deployments.


HTTP status: 200

  "deployments": [
      "triggered_by": "02984c87-efe8-4ea1-bcac-9511a34a3df3",
      "triggered_at": "2023-05-26T10:35:00.000000Z",
      "target_name": "Production 2 deploy",
      "target_id": "410bf56b-b0dc-46d2-b939-87c88a21bb84",
      "switch_id": "8b751422-1322-4a9c-b3ab-e97c451cfbdc",
      "state_message": "",
      "state": "STARTED",
      "prev_pipeline_id": "f65a5c7a-6d69-4f3e-8251-adcae6c4d6d7",
      "pipeline_id": "bf4dcb8b-fbf3-4aab-a67f-ffc1f53d6bc8",
      "id": "4885f77e-30eb-49cb-b351-d5a637d09ed8",
      "env_vars": [
          "value": "Passed message 2 as parameter",
          "name": "MESSAGE"
      "triggered_by": "Pipeline Done request",
      "triggered_at": "2023-05-26T10:34:31.000000Z",
      "target_name": "Production deploy",
      "target_id": "410bf56b-b0dc-46d2-b939-87c88a21bb84",
      "switch_id": "8b751422-1322-4a9c-b3ab-e97c451cfbdc",
      "state_message": "",
      "state": "STARTED",
      "prev_pipeline_id": "f65a5c7a-6d69-4f3e-8251-adcae6c4d6d7",
      "pipeline_id": "f4e1413b-2fac-4ba6-9625-921f66ef1802",
      "id": "9ef2194e-d13d-432e-8c97-c8fda64c4aa1",
      "env_vars": [
          "value": "Passed message as parameter",
          "name": "MESSAGE"
  "cursor_before": 1685096881121173,
  "cursor_after": 0


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \

Artifact retention policies#

Configure retention policy#

This API endpoint allows you to configure the artifact retention policy for a project with the given UUID.

By default, artifacts are persisted and never automatically deleted. The artifact retention policy allows you to configure the lifetime of artifacts in your projects.

POST {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/artifacts_retention_policies

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object, encapsulating details about the artifact retention policies to be configured. The available fields are as follows:

  • project_id (required) - UUID of the project.
  • project_level_retention_policies (optional) - List of retention rules for project-level artifacts.
  • workflow_level_retention_policies (optional) - List of retention rules for workflow-level artifacts.
  • job_level_retention_policies (optional) - List of retention rules for job-level artifacts.

At least one of the project_level_retention_policies, workflow_level_retention_policies, and job_level_retention_policies lists needs to contain valid list items for a request to be valid.

The list items for each of the retention policy fields from above should be JSON objects with the following properties: - selector (required) - a double-star glob pattern used for identifying the artifacts paths. - age (required) - the time after which the artifacts on the path from the selector field should be automatically deleted. Values should consist of a number from 1 to 12 followed by a space and one of the following: week(s), month(s), or year(s). Examples: 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 months, 4 years.

When evaluating retention policies for an artifact on a particular path, the system will iterate through the list of the policy rules and apply the first one with a selector that matches the path of that artifact.

You can find more details about artifacts retention policy in the Artifact Retention Policies Reference


HTTP status: 200

  "workflow_level_retention_policies": [],
  "project_level_retention_policies": [
      "selector": "/**/*",
      "age": "1 year"
      "selector": "/screenshots/**/*.png",
      "age": "2 weeks"
      "selector": "/logs/**/*.txt",
      "age": "3 months"

Example request

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \
     "https://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/artifacts_retention_policies" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '<json object>' 
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \ 
     "https://{org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/artifacts_retention_policies" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"project_id":"3796efe0-81a0-4157-8774-7ad72d41ac28","job_level_retention_policies":[{"selector":"/screenshots/**/*.png","age":"2  weeks"},{"selector":"/logs/**/*.txt","age":"3 months"}]}'

Describe retention policy#

This API endpoint retrieves the details about an artifacts retention policy that is configured for a project with the given UUID.

By default, projects do not have an artifacts retention policy configured so a response in this case will have a policy with an empty set of retention rules for all artifacts levels.

GET {org_name}.semaphoreci.com/api/v1alpha/artifacts_retention_policies/:project_id


  • project_id (required) - The UUID of the project


HTTP status: 200

  "workflow_level_retention_policies": [],
  "project_level_retention_policies": [
      "selector": "/**/*",
      "age": "1 year"
      "selector": "/screenshots/**/*.png",
      "age": "2 weeks"
      "selector": "/logs/**/*.txt",
      "age": "3 months"


curl -i -H "Authorization: Token {api_token}" \