iOS Continuous Integration with Xcode#

This guide gives an overview of CI/CD with Semaphore for apps created with Xcode that run on iOS, macOS, watchOS, or tvOS.

Semaphore supports building, testing, and deploying Swift, Objective-C, and React Native projects. Projects can be built with Xcode 14 running on a macOS a1-standard-4 or higher machine type.

Example project#

Semaphore maintains an example iOS app written in Swift 5.1 with SwiftUI to demonstrate how to get an Xcode CI/CD environment up and running:

This example project includes an annotated Semaphore configuration file, .semaphore/semaphore.yml and uses fastlane for its CI pipeline with the Semaphore fastlane plugin.

Overview of the CI pipeline#

The Semaphore pipeline is configured to:

  • Run all unit and UI tests
  • Build the app and generate an ipa archive
  • Generate automated App Store screenshots
  • Upload archived ipa and screenshots as job artifacts

Taking the .semaphore/semaphore.yml file from this example project can be a good way to get your app up and running with Semaphore.

Sample pipeline configuration#

The following .semaphore/semaphore.yml configuration is used in the example project:

# Use the latest stable version of Semaphore 2.0 YML syntax:
version: v1.0

# Name your pipeline. If you choose to connect multiple pipelines with
# promotions, the pipeline names will help you differentiate between
# them. For example, you might have a build phase and a delivery phase.
# For more information on promotions, see:
name: Tallest Towers

# The agent defines the environment in which your CI runs. It is a combination
# of a machine type and an operating system image. For a project built with
# Xcode, you must use one of the Apple machine types coupled with a macOS image
# running Xcode 14.
# See
    type: a1-standard-4
    os_image: macos-xcode14

# Blocks are the heart of a pipeline and are executed sequentially. Each block
# has a task that defines one or more parallel jobs. Jobs define commands that
# should be executed by the pipeline.
# See
  - name: Run tests
      # Set environment variables that your project requires.
      # See
        - name: LANG
          value: en_US.UTF-8
          # Download source code from GitHub.
          - checkout

          # Restore dependencies from the cache. This command will not fail in
          # the event of a cache miss. In the event of a cache hit, bundle install will
          # complete in about a second.
          # See
          - cache restore
          - bundle install --path vendor/bundle
          - cache store
        - name: Test
            # Select an Xcode version.
            # See
            - xcversion select 14.1

            # Run tests for iOS and Mac apps on a simulator or connected device.
            # See
            - bundle exec fastlane test

  - name: Build app
        - name: LANG
          value: en_US.UTF-8
        # Make the SSH key for the certificate repository and the MATCH_PASSWORD
        # environment variable available.
        # See
        - name: match-secrets
          # Add the key for the match certificate repository to ssh
          # See
          - chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/*
          - ssh-add ~/.ssh/match-repository-private-key

          # Continue with checkout as normal
          - checkout
          - cache restore
          - bundle install --path vendor/bundle
          - cache store
        - name: Build
            - xcversion select 14.1
            - bundle exec fastlane build

            # Upload the IPA file as a job artifact.
            # See
            - artifact push job TallestTowers.ipa
  - name: Take screenshots
        - name: LANG
          value: en_US.UTF-8
          - checkout
          - cache restore
          - bundle install --path vendor/bundle
          - cache store
        - name: Screenshots
            - xcversion select 14.1
            - bundle exec fastlane screenshots

            # Upload the screenshots directory as a project artifact.
            # See
            - artifact push job screenshots

Configuration walkthrough#

Naming your pipeline#

version: v1.0
name: Tallest Towers

Note: If you choose to connect multiple pipelines with promotions, the pipeline names will help you differentiate between them. For example, you might have a build phase and a delivery phase.

Defining the agent#

The agent defines the environment in which your CI runs. It is a combination of a machine type and an operating system image. For a project built with Xcode, you must use one of the Apple machine types, coupled with a macOS image running Xcode 14.

    type: a1-standard-4
    os_image: macos-xcode14

Defining blocks#

Blocks are the heart of a pipeline and are executed sequentially. Each block has a task that defines one or more parallel jobs. Jobs define commands that should be executed by the pipeline.

Blocks, tasks, and jobs are Semaphore's core concepts.

  - name: Run tests
      # This environment variable is exported in every job within this block:
        - name: LANG
          value: en_US.UTF-8
          - # Commands to run before *every* parallel job
        - name: Run tests
            - xcversion select 14.1
            - bundle exec fastlane test
        - name: Second parallel job
            - # Commands for the second parallel job
            - # ...
        - name: Third parallel job
            - # Commands for the third parallel job
            - # ...

Downloading code#

To download your code in a job, use checkout, an [open source script][checkout-source provided by Semaphore.

By default checkout performs a shallow git clone from a remote origin. If you need a full clone that will be cached by Semaphore, use checkout --use-cache.

          - checkout

Installing dependencies#

Your project dependencies can be cached by Semaphore to improve performance when running your CI/CD workflows.

The cache restore command will not fail if there is a cache miss, and bundle install will complete in about a second when the cache hits. More information on the exact functionality of cache can be found in the Toolbox Reference.

          - cache restore
          - bundle install --path vendor/bundle
          - cache store

Selecting an Xcode version#

You can find the list of available versions of Xcode in the Xcode 14 image references. Select the desired version for your project with xcversion.

          - xcversion select 14.1

Running tests#

Semaphore can run both unit and UI tests using any of the iOS simulators that are installed with Xcode. If you're using fastlane, see the fastlane scan documentation. .

          - bundle exec fastlane test

Building your app#

The example project is set to build the app with fastlane build. By default, the Semaphore fastlane plugin creates a fresh, temporary keychain.

          - bundle exec fastlane build

Accessing encrypted certificates and provisioning profiles#

The Fastfile in this example project executes the match command, which requires access to a private certificate store or git repository. Use private dependencies to keep secrets separate from the rest of the project.

        - name: match-secrets

The example project README also includes a detailed walkthrough for configuring the project to use a private git repository with encrypted certificates and provisioning profiles.

Uploading build artifacts#

Any files generated by a continuous integration pipeline may be uploaded as artifacts to a job, workflow, or project store.

Once the .ipa file has been built and archived, the example project uploads it as a job artifact.

          - artifact push job TallestTowers.ipa

Automating the generation of App Store screenshots#

The example project is also configured to run snapshot to automate the generation of a small set of sample App Store screenshots and upload them as job artifacts.

          - bundle exec fastlane screenshots
          - artifact push job screenshots


The example project uses the Semaphore fastlane plugin:


before_all do
  # Install with `fastlane add_plugin semaphore`

platform :ios do
  lane :build do
    gym(scheme: 'TallestTowers',
        skip_package_ipa: true,
        skip_archive: true,
        clean: true)

  lane :test do
    run_tests(scheme: 'TallestTowers',
              devices: ['iPhone 8', 'iPhone 11 Pro'])

Releasing your app#

To manage your developer credentials on Semaphore, use encrypted secrets. To manage releases, set up promotions to trigger additional pipelines.

Run the example project yourself#

A good way to start using Semaphore is to take a demo project and run it yourself. Here’s how to build the demo project with your own account:

  1. Fork the project on GitHub to your own account.
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  3. In Semaphore, follow the link in the sidebar to create a new project.
  4. Create your secret as per the instructions above.
  5. Edit any file and push to GitHub, and Semaphore will run the CI/CD pipeline.