Using Docker Compose in CI#

Semaphore makes it easy to use Docker Compose to build and test multi-container applications.

ℹ️ Semaphore also has a feature which lets you run CI/CD jobs in any Docker images of your choice. This guide is for cases when you prefer to invoke Docker Compose and Docker CLI.

Semaphore supports Docker and Docker Compose out of the box, no additional configuration required. The Ubuntu 20.04 image includes everything you need to get started right away.

It's useful to keep in mind that:

  • Each job runs in a fully isolated environment. This means that Docker images are not shared among jobs, not even on the same block. You should use a registry to pass images between jobs.
  • $SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID is a unique value that is shared among all pipelines in a workflow. This makes it a great candidate for tagging images.
  • Don't forget to checkout your code if you have any Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml in your project.

Example Docker Compose project#

Semaphore provides a demo project that takes advantage of Docker Compose:

The demo consists of a simple task manager composed of two containers: a web application built with Python Flask and a MongoDB database.

Overview of the pipeline#

The pipeline performs the following tasks:

  • Build a Docker image with an app and dependencies.
  • Tag the image and push it to Docker Hub.
  • Start the app and database containers.
  • Run tests on the live app.
# .semaphore/semaphore.yml

version: v1.0
name: Semaphore Python / Flask / Docker Example Pipeline
    # Use a machine type with more RAM and CPU power for faster container
    # builds:
    type: e1-standard-4
    os_image: ubuntu2004
  - name: Build
      # Mount a secret which defines DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD
      # environment variables.
      # For info on creating secrets, see:
        - name: pyflask-semaphore
      - name: Docker build
          # Authenticate with Docker Hub
          - echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login -u "${DOCKER_USERNAME}" --password-stdin
          - checkout
          - docker-compose build
          - docker tag pyflasksemaphore:latest "$DOCKER_USERNAME"/pyflasksemaphore:latest
          - docker tag pyflasksemaphore:latest "$DOCKER_USERNAME"/pyflasksemaphore:$SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID
          - docker push "$DOCKER_USERNAME"/pyflasksemaphore:latest
          - docker push "$DOCKER_USERNAME"/pyflasksemaphore:$SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID
          - docker pull "$DOCKER_USERNAME"/pyflasksemaphore:$SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID
          - docker images

  - name: Run & Test Docker image
      # Mount a secret which defines DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD
      # environment variables.
      # For info on creating secrets, see:
        - name: pyflask-semaphore
          # Authenticate with Docker Hub
          - echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login -u "${DOCKER_USERNAME}" --password-stdin
          - checkout
          - docker pull "$DOCKER_USERNAME"/pyflasksemaphore
          - docker-compose up -d
      - name: Check Running Images
          - docker ps
      - name: Run Unit test
          - docker exec -it semaphore-pyflask-docker_flasksemaphore_1 python -m unittest

The CI pipeline consists of two blocks:

CI pipeline


Building with docker tends to be a resource-intensive process. Consider using a more powerful machine type for the pipelines that create images. The e1-standard-4 machine is a good, cost-effective option.

Docker build#

This block is in charge of building and pushing the app image to Docker Hub:

  1. checkout the code.
  2. Log in to Docker Hub.
  3. Build the app image with docker-compose build.
  4. Tag the image with your Docker Hub username.
  5. Push the image to the registry.

Run and test the image#

A prologue is executed before every job in the block:

  1. Checkout to get docker-compose.yml.
  2. Log in to Docker Hub.
  3. Pull the app image from the registry.
  4. Start the application in the background: docker-compose up -d.

Docker Compose takes care of dependencies, environment, and networking.

Tests are split in two parallel jobs:

  • Run unit test: start the test script inside the container.
  • Check running images: shows docker containers running.

Run the demo yourself#

The best way to become familiar with Semaphore is to run a project yourself:

  1. Create a Docker Hub account.
  2. Fork the demo project in GitHub.
  3. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  4. In Semaphore, follow the link in the sidebar to create a new project.
  5. Create a secret to store your Docker Hub username and password: Create Secret
  6. To start the pipeline, edit any file and push the change to your repository.

That's it. From now on, every change commited will trigger automatic docker builds and tests.

Using a specific version of docker-compose#

A recent version of Docker Compose is preinstalled by default. If you'd like to use another version, the first thing that you'll need to do is to delete the existing version.

The contents of the Semaphore 2.0 pipeline file will be as follows:

# .semaphore/semaphore.yml
version: v1.0
name: Install docker-compose
    type: e1-standard-2
    os_image: ubuntu2004

  - name: Install desired version of docker-compose
        value: 1.4.2
      - name: Get docker-compose
          - checkout
          - docker-compose -v
          - curl -L${DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION}/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > docker-compose
          - chmod +x docker-compose
          - ./docker-compose -v
          - sudo mv docker-compose /usr/bin
          - docker-compose -v

One thing that you have to be careful about here is having a valid value for the DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION environment variable.

See also#