
Cypress is an open-source end-to-end testing framework for modern web applications. It allows developers to write and execute tests that simulate user interactions within a web browser, ensuring the reliability of web applications.

This guide shows you how to integrate Cypress into your Semaphore workflows.

Creating a Cypress project#

If you already have a Cypress project, please copy the Project ID and prepare your CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY and skip this step.

First we need to create a Project on Cypress. When you are located on the dashboard, go to Projects and click on New Project.

Give your project a name.

Creating project on Cypress

Copy the code from the provided screen and paste it in the file cypress.config.js in the root folder of your project.

Creating Cypress config file

Now click on Ok, I added my project ID and click on Next.

Select Manual Setup and click on Next.

Selecting CI in Cypress

From this screen copy the CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY variable, we will be needing it in our next steps.

Cypress Record Key Set-Up

Creating Semaphore testing block#

Adding Record Key to Project Secrets#

In your Project page on Semaphore, click on Settings and then on the Secrets section and the on the Add button.

Here we will add the CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY.

Adding record key to Semaphore

Name the secret Cypress and optionally add a description.

In the environment variables section, add the name CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY and paste in your record key.

Click on Save Secret to proceed.

Adding record key to Semaphore

Adding Cypress test block to Workflow#

Go to your Project and click on Edit Workflow.

Now click on Add Block.

Now you can set-up basic testing or parallel testing. If your test suite is large, it is recommended to set-up parallel testing.

Name your block E2E Tests, as a dependency be sure to setup anything that is needed to be run before you run your tests. In the Jobs part paste in the following snippet:

npx cypress run --record --key $CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY --parallel --group "Semaphore 3x"

Adding command to execute tests

Then click on Configure parallelism or a job matrix and select Multiple Instances.

Here you can select how many machines you want to parallelize your tests on.

Adding command to execute tests

Now click on the Prologue section and insert the following snippet:

nvm install 20
npm install -g npm
cache restore npm-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_BRANCH-$(checksum package-lock.json)
cache restore cypress-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_BRANCH-$(checksum package-lock.json)
npm install
npm ci
npm run cy:verify
cache store npm-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_BRANCH-$(checksum package-lock.json) ~/.npm
cache store cypress-$SEMAPHORE_GIT_BRANCH-$(checksum package-lock.json) ~/.cache/Cypress
npm run print-env -- SEMAPHORE
npm run build
npm run start &

Now click on the Secrets section. Here we will include our CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY value.

Click on the Cypress checkbox to include it.

Adding record key to job

Now click on the Agent section.

For Environment Type select the environment you want to use and also select the OS Image you want to use. You can also keep the default values.

Your E2E Block should now look like this:

Cypress job block

Now click on Run the Workflow and save your settings.