Deploying to DigitalOcean#

This guide demonstrates how to deploy to DigitalOcean's Kubernetes.

We will cover the following steps to set up our deployment to DigitalOcean on Semaphore:

  1. Create Semaphore secrets to store credentials.
  2. Create a deployment pipeline and attach the Secrets.
  3. Run a deployment from Semaphore and ship your code to production.

For this example you will need:

Connecting CI and deployment pipelines with a promotion#

Start by defining a promotion at the end of your semaphore.yml file:

# .semaphore/semaphore.yml
  - name: Deploy to DigitalOcean
    pipeline_file: deploy-k8s.yml

This defines a simple deployment pipeline which can be triggered manually on every revision on every branch. You can define as many pipelines as you need for a project, using a variety of options and conditions. To learn how to design custom delivery pipelines, consult the promotions reference documentation.

Storing credentials in secrets#

Create three new Semaphore secrets, using the sem CLI.

  • Store the Docker Hub credentials in the first with the following command:
sem create secret dockerhub \
  -e DOCKER_USERNAME=<your-dockerhub-username> \
  -e DOCKER_PASSWORD=<your-dockerhub-password>
  • Store the DigitalOcean Personal Access Token in the second with the following command:
sem create secret do-access-token \
  -e DO_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your-do-access-token>
  • Store the .env file in the project root in the third with the following command:
sem create secret env-production \
  --file /Users/joe/.env:/home/semaphore/env-production

You can verify the existance of the secrets with the following command:

sem get secrets
NAME             AGE
dockerhub        16s
do-access-token  45s
env-production   59s

You can also view the content of a secret with the following command:

sem get secret do-access-token
apiVersion: v1beta
kind: Secret
  name: do-access-token
  id: 28e4d935-2697-4ade-ba00-e456869b3005
  create_time: "1590491283"
  update_time: "1590491283"
    value: AHSNFMWOWEN...
  files: []

Defining the deployment pipeline#

Finally, let's define our deploy-k8s.yml pipeline, as shown below:

version: v1.0
name: Deploy to Kubernetes
    type: e1-standard-2
    os_image: ubuntu2004
  - name: Deploy to Kubernetes
      # Import all the secrets
        - name: dockerhub
        - name: do-access-token
        - name: env-production
      # Store your Kubernetes cluster name in an environment variable so you can reference it later
        - name: CLUSTER_NAME
          value: your-server 
          # Add the login commands in the prologue
          - doctl auth init --access-token $DO_ACCESS_TOKEN
          - doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save "${CLUSTER_NAME}"
          - checkout 
      - name: Deploy
          - source $HOME/env-production
          - envsubst < deployment.yml | tee deploy.yml
          - kubectl apply -f deploy.yml 
   - name: Tag latest release
        - name: dockerhub
          - checkout
          - echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login -u "${DOCKER_USERNAME}" --password-stdin
          - checkout
      - name: docker tag latest
          - docker pull "${DOCKER_USERNAME}/addressbook:$SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID" 
          - docker tag "${DOCKER_USERNAME}/addressbook:$SEMAPHORE_WORKFLOW_ID" "${DOCKER_USERNAME}/addressbook:latest"
          - docker push "${DOCKER_USERNAME}/addressbook:latest"

Verifying that it works#

Push a new commit on any branch and open Semaphore to watch a new workflow run. If all goes well, you'll see the Promote button next to your initial pipeline. Click on the button to launch the deployment.

Next steps#

Congratulations! You have automated deployment of your application to DigitalOcean Kubernetes. Here’s some further recommended reading: