Travis CI
This page explains the core concepts and feature mapping you need to migrate from Travis CI to Semaphore.
Travis CI is a YAML-based syntax to define pipelines and actions. In Semaphore, you can use the visual workflow editor to more easily configure and preview pipelines.
Semaphore cloud machines also provide a 2x speed boost and much better reliability when compared with Travis CI.
Travis CI vs Semaphore
This section describes how to implement common Travis CI functionalities in Semaphore.
Checkout clones the repository in the CI environment.
- Travis CI
- Semaphore
Checkout is implicit in all Travis CI workflows by default.
Semaphore does not clone the repository by default. This is because there are certain scenarios in which you don't need the code or you want to customize the cloning process.
To clone the repository in Semaphore we only need to execute checkout
# now the code is the current working directory
Both Travis CI and Semaphore support a method to persist data between jobs called Artifacts.
- Travis CI
- Semaphore
In Travis CI we use the artifacts addon.
The following example uploads and downloads test.log
- $HOME/project/test.log
Both Travis CI and Semaphore support manually caching files. See the comparison below.
- Travis CI
- Semaphore
Travis CI has a cache keyword to cache files and dependencies.
The following example caches Gems in a Ruby project:
language: ruby
cache: bundler
Language versions
Both Travis CI and Semaphore allow you to use specific language versions.
- Travis CI
- Semaphore
Travis CI uses a language-specific setup keyword.
The following example sets the Ruby version to 3.3.4
language: ruby
- 3.3.4
Semaphore provides the Docker environments to run your jobs in environments with all your build tools. You can connect multiple Docker images to provide database services for your end-to-end or smoke tests.
Database and services
Both Travis CI and Semaphore support starting a databases and services. Semaphore uses Docker containers for this.
- Travis CI
- Semaphore
Travis CI uses services keyword. The following example starts Redis on default port.
- redis-server
Semaphore provides the Docker environments to run your jobs in environments with all your build tools. You can connect multiple Docker images to provide database services for your end-to-end or smoke tests.
Secrets inject sensitive data and credentials into the workflow securely.
- Travis CI
- Semaphore
In Travis CI we encrypt sensitive data using the Travis CLI. Travis uses asymmetric encryption to put the encrypted values in the YAML pipeline.
to access the values, we use the secure
keyword, which tells Travis to decrypt the value on runtime.
- secure: "... long encrypted string ..."
Using encrypted files uses a different system that's a bit more convoluted.
In Semaphore, secrets are stored on the Semaphore server or project. Encryption and decryption is automatically handled for environment variables and files.
First, we create a secret at the server or project level and activate it on a block.
The secret contents are automatically injected as environment variables in all jobs contained on that block.
Complete example
The following comparison shows how to build and test a Ruby project on Travis CI and in Semaphore.
- Travis CI
- Semaphore
On Travis CI, we need several actions to start services, manage Gems, and run the build and test commands.
language: ruby
- $(cat .ruby-version)
cache: bundler
- curl
- libjemalloc2
- libvips
- sqlite3
- main
- stage: security_scans
name: "Scan Ruby"
- bin/brakeman --no-pager
- stage: security_scans
name: "Scan JS"
- bin/importmap audit
- stage: lint
- bin/rubocop -f github
- stage: test
- cp .sample.env .env
- bundle exec rake db:setup
- bundle exec rake
- bin/rails db:test:prepare test test:system
- RAILS_ENV=test
We can achieve the same results in a single job on Semaphore by using these commands:
cache restore
nvm install --lts
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
yarn install
cache store
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:schema:load
bundle exec rake test
bundle exec rake test:system