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Version: Community Edition (1.0)

Feature Comparison

This page compares the features available across all Semaphore editions.

CI/CD Workflows

FeatureSemaphore CloudSemaphore CE
Visual editorYesYes
SSH DebugYesYes
Monorepo supportYesYes
Initialization jobsYesYes
Self-hosted agentsYesYes
GitHub supportYesYes
BitBucket supportYesYes
GitLab supportYesYes
Parameterized promotionsYesNo
Deployment targetsYesNo
Pre-flight checksYesNo
sem-service & sem-versionYesNo


FeatureSemaphore CloudSemaphore CE
Test reportsYesYes
Activity monitorYesYes
Custom DashboardsYesNo
Flaky testsYesNo
Project insightsYesNo
Organization healthYesNo

Security and compliance

FeatureSemaphore CloudSemaphore CE
Project-level secretsYesYes
Organization secretsYesYes
Policies for accessing secretsYesNo
Audit logsYesNo

User and permissions management

FeatureSemaphore CloudSemaphore CE
Multiple organizationsYesNo
Invite users to your organizationYesYes
Organization rolesYesYes
Project rolesYesYes (*)
User groupsYesNo
Custom RolesYesNo

(*) Project roles exist but cannot be manually assigned to individual users. The role is assigned based on project membership and server roles.


FeatureSemaphore CloudSemaphore CE
Repository status checksYesYes
Repository badgesYesYes
Slack notificationsYesYes
Webhook notificationsYesYes
SAML/SCIM integrationsYesNo
Okta integrationYesNo
OpenID ConnectYesNo
GitHub SSOYesNo

See also