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Version: Community Edition (1.0)

Feature Comparison

This page compares the features available across all Semaphore editions.

CI/CD Workflows

Legends: ? (unknown), p (pending/planned), x (deleted pages/content), c (confirmed live)

FeatureSemaphore CloudSemaphore CE
Visual editorYesYes
SSH DebugYesYes
Monorepo supportYesYes
Initialization jobsYesYes
Self-hosted agentsYesYes
GitHub supportYesYes
BitBucket supportYesYes
Parameterized promotionsYesNo
Deployment targetsYesNo
Pre-flight checksYesNo
sem-service & sem-versionYesNo


FeatureSemaphore CloudSemaphore CE
Test reportsYesYes
Activity monitorYesYes
Flaky testsYesNo
Project insightsYesNo
Organization healthYesNo

Security and compliance

FeatureSemaphore CloudSemaphore CE
Project-level secretsYesYes
Organization secretsYesYes
Policies for accessing secretsYesNo
Audit logsYesNo

User and permissions management

FeatureSemaphore CloudSemaphore CE
Multiple organizationsYesNo
Invite users to your organizationYesYes
Organization rolesYesYes
Project rolesYesYes (*)
User groupsYesNo
xCustom RolesYesNo

(*) Project roles exist but cannot be manually assigned to individual users. The role is assigned based on project-membership and org-wide user roles.


FeatureSemaphore CloudSemaphore CE
Repository status checksYesYes
Repository badgesYesYes
Slack notificationsYesYes
Webhook notificationsYesYes
SAML/SCIM integrationsYesNo
Okta integrationYesNo
OpenID ConnectYesNo
GitHub SSOYesNo

See also