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Version: Community Edition (1.0)

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

This page explains how to create a Kubernetes cluster using AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service and install Semaphore Community Edition.


If this is your first time using Semaphore we suggest trying out Semaphore Cloud to see if the platform fits your needs. You can create a free trial account without a credit card and use every feature.

The self-hosted installation is recommended for users and teams familiar with Semaphore.

macOS users

There is a known issue that blocks Docker on macOS. If you have trouble running Helm and you're using macOS, check the following outstanding issue for a workaround.

Step 1 - Install dependencies

Install the following tools before starting the installation:

  • AWS CLI: to manage your AWS resources
  • Terraform: to create the Kubernetes cluster
  • kubectl: to manage your Kubernetes installation
  • Helm: to install Semaphore

In addition, you need to the domain where Semaphore will be installed to Route53 DNS. Take note of the hosted Zone ID for your domain within Route 53, for example, Z05666441V6R4KFL4MJAA, since it is used to create Semaphore infrastructure.


We highly recommend installing Semaphore on a subdomain, e.g. Installing Semaphore on your main domain is discouraged as its operation might interfere with other services running on the same domain.

For example, if your domain is, consider using the domain

Step 2 - Clone the Semaphore repository

Clone the Semaphore repository to your machine with:

git clone

Next, navigate to the EKS Terraform folder:

cd semaphore/ephemeral_environment/terraform/eks

Step 3 - Initialize your configuration

Initialize your AWS CLI configuration with:

aws configure

Create a configuration file called aws-config with the following values:

export DOMAIN="<domain-to-install-semaphore>"
export AWS_REGION="<your-aws-region>"
export ZONE_ID="<your-route53-zone-id>"

Once you are done with the configuration, it should look like this:

export DOMAIN=""
export AWS_REGION="eu-north-1"
export ZONE_ID="Z05198331K5V9MQ90PSP4"

Step 4 - Create the Kubernetes cluster

Load your configuration file with:

source aws-config

Create the EKS cluster using Terraform:

TF_VAR_aws_region=$AWS_REGION TF_VAR_route53_zone_id=$ZONE_ID TF_VAR_domain=$DOMAIN terraform apply

Once Terraform is done, retrieve the TLS certificate ARN with:

export CERT_NAME=$(terraform output ssl_cert_name)

Check the Terraform output for the name of the cluster and save the value in an environment variable:

export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME="<the-name-of-your-cluster>"

Save both new values to the aws-config file:

echo export CERT_NAME=${CERT_NAME} >> aws-config
echo export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME} >> aws-config

Step 5 - Install CRDs

Connect to the newly created cluster with:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name "${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}" --region "${AWS_REGION}"

Semaphore requires the [Emissary CRDs] to be installed on the cluster. Install the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) with the following commands:

Install CRDs
kubectl apply -f
kubectl wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=available deployment emissary-apiext -n emissary-system

Step 6 - Install Semaphore

Sanity check that the environment is ready for the installation. The commands should not fail and return valid values:

source aws-config

Install Semaphore with Helm:

helm upgrade --install --debug semaphore oci:// \
--version v1.0.1 \
--timeout 20m \
--set"${DOMAIN}" \
--set ingress.ssl.certName="${CERT_NAME}" \
--set ingress.className=alb \
--set ssl.type=alb

Once the installation is done, you the following command should appear in the terminal:

Congratulations, Semaphore has been installed successfully!

To start using the app, go to

You can fetch credentials for the login by running this command:

echo "Email: $(kubectl get secret root-user -n default -o jsonpath='{}' | base64 -d)"; echo "Password: $(kubectl get secret root-user -n default -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)"; echo "API Token: $(kubectl get secret root-user -n default -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d)"


Execute the shown command to retrieve the login credentials.

remote shell - get login credentials
$ echo "Email: $(kubectl get secret root-user -n default -o jsonpath='{}' | base64 -d)"; echo "Password: $(kubectl get secret root-user -n default -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)"; echo "API Token: $(kubectl get secret root-user -n default -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d)"

Password: AhGg_2v6uHuy7hqvNmeLw0O4RqI=
API Token: nQjnaPKQvW6TqXtpTNSx

Step 7 - First login


On new installations, the system may take up to 30 minutes to finish all setup tasks. If you cannot login right away, wait a few minutes and try again.

Open a browser and navigate to the domain to id.<your-domain>/login. For example:

Fill in the username and password obtained at the end of step 6.

Log in screen for Semaphore

Once logged in, select the Semaphore organization to continue.

Select your organization screen

You should be greeted with the onboarding guide.

Onboarding guide screen

Post-installation tasks

Once your have Semaphore up and running, check out the following pages to finish setting up:

  • Connect with GitHub: connect your instance with GitHub to access your repositories
  • Invite users: invite users to your instance so they can start working on projects
  • Guided tour: complete the guided tour to get familiarized with Semaphore Community Edition
  • Add self-hosted agents: add more machines to scale up the capacity of your CI/CD platform

How to Uninstall Semaphore from EKS

If you want to completely uninstall Semaphore, follow these steps.


If you uninstall Semaphore you will lose access to all your projects, workflows and logs. You cannot undo this action.

First, uninstall Semaphore with the following command:

Uninstall Semaphore
source aws-config
helm uninstall semaphore

Delete the persistent volume claims:

kubectl delete pvc \
minio-artifacts-storage-minio-artifacts-0 \
minio-cache-storage-minio-cache-0 \
minio-logs-storage-minio-logs-0 \
postgres-storage-postgres-0 \
rabbitmq-storage-rabbitmq-0 \

Finally, if you are no longer using the Kubernetes cluster, you may delete it with the following command. This completely destroys the Kubernetes cluster with any other things you might be running there.

cd semaphore/ephemeral_environment/terraform/eks
terraform destroy

You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the AWS resources.

See also