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Projects YAML

This document is the YAML syntax reference used for adding and editing Semaphore projects via Semaphore Command Line.


The syntax described here is required to use sem create for creating a project using the command line.


The apiVersion property defines the version of the YAML grammar that will be used to define the YAML file. Different YAML versions might have different features.

The only allowed value is: v1alpha


The value of the kind property is a string that specifies the type of the resource to create.

To create a project kind value must be Project


The metadata supports the name property. This is the name of the project.

The value of the name property should be unique among all Semaphore projects belonging to the same organization and must only contain alphanumeric characters ([a-z], [A-Z], or [0-9]). Dashes, underscores, hyphens, and spaces are not allowed.


The spec property must contain a repository property.

It can also optionally include:



This property is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use tasks instead.

Show deprecated property

The schedulers property can contain a list of schedulers defined in the project.

A scheduler is a way to run a pre-defined pipeline on a project at a pre-defined time. All times are interpreted as UTC.

A scheduler has the following properties:

  • name: uniquely identifies each scheduler within an organization
  • branch: specifies which branch will be used for running the pipeline. The chosen branch must have at least one workflow initiated by a push in order for the scheduler to be valid
  • at: defines the schedule under which the pipeline will be run expressed in standard cron syntax. For a simple way to define your cron syntax, visit
  • pipeline_file: contains the relative path to the pipeline definition file from the root of the project
  • status: can be ACTIVE or INACTIVE


The tasks property can contain a list of tasks defined in the project.

A task is a way to run a pre-defined pipeline on a project at a pre-defined time or on demand. All times are interpreted as UTC.

A task has the following properties:

  • name: uniquely identifies each task within a project.
  • description: provides additional comment for a task. It is optional and can be omitted.
  • scheduled: it's a boolean value true or false. If true the task is active and the at property must be set
  • at: mandatory if scheduled: true. This is the schedule to run the pipeline expressed in the standard cron syntax.
  • branch: specifies which branch will be used for running the pipeline.
  • pipeline_file: defines the relative path to the pipeline definition file from the root of the project
  • status: ACTIVE if the scheduler is currently enabled, or INACTIVE if the scheduler is currently disabled.
  • parameters: list of parameters to pass to the workflow

For a simple way to define your cron syntax, visit

See Pipeline YAML Reference for more information on the pipeline syntax.

tasks parameters

The parameters property contains a list of parameters passed to the triggered workflow. Those parameters are accessible in the job environment as environment variables. By default, parameters is an empty list.

Each parameter has the following properties:

nameYesUnique parameter name
requiredYesEither true or false. Determines if the parameter is required
descriptionNoA descriptive string for the parameter
default_valueNoThe parameter's default value. Required if required: true
optionsNoA list of possible values to show on the Semaphore website


This property describes the GitHub or BitBucket repository.

It must contain the following properties:


The url property is a string that specifies the URL of the GitHub or BitBucket repository.

The format of the url value should be as follows:

An invalid URL prompts the following error:

error: http status 422 with the message "{"message":"repository \"repo-name\" not found"}" received from upstream

If the URL is not in SSH format, you will get the following error:

error: http status 422 with message "{"message":"repository url must be an SSH url"}" received from upstream

If the project name is already taken in your active organization you will see the following error:

error: http status 422 with message "{"message":"project name \"repo-name\" is already taken"}" received from upstream


This property is an array of events that can trigger a workflow for this project.

The possible values are:

  • branches
  • tags
  • pull_requests
  • forked_pull_requests


Used for setting the initial pipeline file that is executed when a post-commit hook is received by Semaphore.

The default value is .semaphore/semaphore.yml.


When modifying the initial pipeline file it is necessary to also update the corresponding status check.


This property is used for holding the following properties:


Specifies the array of secrets' names that are allowed to be exported into jobs triggered by forked-pull-requests. If the array is empty, no secrets will be exported.


Specifies an array of secrets (i.e. their names) that are allowed to be exported into jobs triggered by forked-pull-requests. If the array is empty, no secrets will be exported.


This property specifies the pipelines that Semaphore submits to GitHub or BitBucket pull request status.

A pipeline can create a single status check as a result of a whole pipeline. Or each block in a pipeline can create its own status check.


A list of pipeline files for which Semaphore submits status checks.

Each item has two properties:

  • path: defines the pipeline to use in status checks
  • level: defines the granularity of status checks. The possible values are:
    • block
    • pipeline

The default value is:

Default value for pipeline_files
- path: .semaphore/semaphore.yml
level: pipeline


This section shows project YAML examples.

Simple project
apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: Project
name: goDemo
url: ""
- branches
- tags
pipeline_file: ".semaphore/semaphore.yml"
- path: ".semaphore/semaphore.yml"
level: "pipeline"
Project with schedulers
apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: Project
name: goDemo
url: ""
- branches
- tags
pipeline_file: ".semaphore/semaphore.yml"
- path: ".semaphore/semaphore.yml"
level: "pipeline"
- name: first-scheduler
branch: master
at: "5 4 * * *"
pipeline_file: ".semaphore/cron.yml"
- name: second-scheduler
branch: master
at: "5 3 * * *"
pipeline_file: ".semaphore/semaphore.yml"
status: ACTIVE
Project with tasks
apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: Project
name: goDemo
url: ""
- branches
- tags
pipeline_file: ".semaphore/semaphore.yml"
- path: ".semaphore/semaphore.yml"
level: "pipeline"
- name: first-scheduler
scheduled: true
branch: master
at: "5 4 * * *"
pipeline_file: ".semaphore/cron.yml"
status: ACTIVE
- name: second-task
description: "second-task description"
scheduled: false
branch: develop
at: ""
pipeline_file: ".semaphore/canary.yml"
status: ACTIVE
required: true
default_value: "1.0.0"
- name: DEBUG_INFO
required: false
default_value: "false"
- "true"
- "false"

See also