Scheduler/cron has been deprecated in favor of Tasks

Please note that Tasks has replaced Schedulers and this documention is outdated. Formerly configured schedulers have been automatically migrated and they should work as usual without any additional action. Please check out Tasks documentation to learn more about the differences and new capabilities coming with the change.

Workflow scheduler/cron#

Scheduling workflow runs daily, hourly, or even every other minute can be useful in many use cases, such as:

  • Periodically performing long or resource-intensive tests that should not be triggered on every push.
  • If your application delivery process requires periodical builds.
  • When you have an inactive project but would like to be sure that the code still works with its dependencies.
  • An easy way to periodically execute arbitrary code, track results, and receive notifications.

Setting up a scheduled workflow run#

To set up a scheduled workflow run for your project, you need to specify three things:

  • the git branch that should be used for workflow runs
  • the path within the repository to a file with the YAML definition of the initial pipeline for the scheduled workflows
  • an expression in standard Crontab syntax that defines the UTC times at which the workflow should run

This can be done via both the Web UI and CLI.

Web UI#

  1. Open the project page.

  2. Click Manage Schedulers on the top right side

  3. Click the New Scheduler button.

  4. Fill out the form with necessary data:

    • Enter a descriptive name for the schedule, e.g. nightly-deploys
    • Enter the branch name, e.g. master
    • Enter a path to pipeline file, e.g. .semaphore/nightly-deploys.yml
    • Enter a Crontab expression defining the times for workflow runs, e.g. 15 12 * * * - every day at 12:15 UTC
  5. Click the Create button.


Note: Be sure to use the latest version of Semaphore CLI

Use the sem edit project command to open the project YAML definition in your preferred editor, it should look similar to this:

apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: Project
  name: Your project
  id: abcd-12345
  description: Description of your project
  visibility: private
  schedulers: []

Here you can add the definition for a new scheduler that will run workflows periodically, as shown below:

apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: Project
  name: Your project
  id: abcd-12345
  description: Description of your project
  visibility: private
  - name: nightly-deploys
    branch: master
    at: "15 12 * * *"
    pipeline_file: .semaphore/nightly-deploys.yml

More details about the fields within the scheduler can be found here.

Save the changes and close the editor, and your scheduled workflow runs will be set up.

Delete the workflow scheduler#

If you no longer need to run specific scheduled workflows you can delete any given scheduler, either via the Web UI or CLI.

Deleting a scheduler in the Web UI#

  1. Open the project page.

  2. Switch to the Schedulers tab.

  3. Find the desired scheduler and click the Delete button.

  4. Confirm the action in the message dialog.

Deleting a scheduler with the CLI#

Note: Be sure to use the latest version of Semaphore CLI

Use the sem edit project command to open project YAML definition in your preferred editor, it should look similar to this:

apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: Project
  name: Your project
  id: abcd-12345
  description: Description of your project
  visibility: private
  - name: nightly-deploys
    branch: master
    at: "15 12 * * *"
    pipeline_file: .semaphore/nightly-deploys.yml

Simply remove the scheduler definition of the desired scheduler from schedulers list, save the changes, and close the editor.

Temporary deactivate a workflow scheduler#

If you want to stop a scheduler from triggering workflows only temporary, you can deactivate it in the Web UI with the following steps:

  1. Open the project page.

  2. Switch to the Schedulers tab.

  3. Find the desired scheduler and click the Deactivate button.

  4. Confirm this action in the message dialog.

This will disable workflow scheduling, but it will allow you to easily resume its use if needed by clicking the Activate button in the same place.

Additionally, it is also possible to manually run workflows based on deactivated schedulers.

Manually run a workflow based on scheduler definition#

You can manually trigger a workflow in the Web UI with the following steps:

  1. Open the project page.

  2. Switch to the Schedulers tab.

  3. Find the desired scheduler and click the Run Now button.

  4. Confirm this action in the message dialog.

This will trigger a new workflow based on the configuration from the file configured in the scheduler definition. The workflow will use code revision of the latest commit from the branch that is configured in the scheduler definition.


  • In order to disperse the load, the workflows will be run at a random second of the selected minute. This means that even though some versions of Crontab format support seconds in expressions, Semaphore 2.0 will ignore them.

  • When the scheduled workflow is triggered, Semaphore 2.0 uses the latest webhook received from GitHub/Bitbucket for the given branch to determine the exact commit for which the workflow should be run.

If a project is new and there have been no pushes to the selected branch since project creation, the creation of a schedule as described above will fail.

  • Scheduled workflow runs will not be started in the first 60 seconds (this can span across two differently numbered minutes) after the schedule is created, to avoid inconsistencies due to minute precision of Crontab expressions.

  • In rare cases when there is an issue with scheduling workflows the Semaphore will retry to initiate the workflow every ten seconds for the following 15 minutes.

See also#